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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
//! The `kernel` crate.
//! This crate contains the kernel APIs that have been ported or wrapped for
//! usage by Rust code in the kernel and is shared by all of them.
//! In other words, all the rest of the Rust code in the kernel (e.g. kernel
//! modules written in Rust) depends on [`core`], [`alloc`] and this crate.
//! If you need a kernel C API that is not ported or wrapped yet here, then
//! do so first instead of bypassing this crate.
// Ensure conditional compilation based on the kernel configuration works;
// otherwise we may silently break things like initcall handling.
compile_error!("Missing kernel configuration for conditional compilation");
// Allow proc-macros to refer to `::kernel` inside the `kernel` crate (this crate).
extern crate self as kernel;
pub mod alloc;
pub mod block;
mod build_assert;
pub mod device;
pub mod error;
pub mod firmware;
pub mod init;
pub mod ioctl;
pub mod kunit;
pub mod list;
pub mod net;
pub mod page;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod print;
pub mod rbtree;
pub mod sizes;
mod static_assert;
pub mod std_vendor;
pub mod str;
pub mod sync;
pub mod task;
pub mod time;
pub mod types;
pub mod uaccess;
pub mod workqueue;
pub use bindings;
pub use macros;
pub use uapi;
pub use build_error::build_error;
/// Prefix to appear before log messages printed from within the `kernel` crate.
const __LOG_PREFIX: &[u8] = b"rust_kernel\0";
/// The top level entrypoint to implementing a kernel module.
/// For any teardown or cleanup operations, your type may implement [`Drop`].
pub trait Module: Sized + Sync + Send {
/// Called at module initialization time.
/// Use this method to perform whatever setup or registration your module
/// should do.
/// Equivalent to the `module_init` macro in the C API.
fn init(module: &'static ThisModule) -> error::Result<Self>;
/// Equivalent to `THIS_MODULE` in the C API.
/// C header: [`include/linux/export.h`](srctree/include/linux/export.h)
pub struct ThisModule(*mut bindings::module);
// SAFETY: `THIS_MODULE` may be used from all threads within a module.
unsafe impl Sync for ThisModule {}
impl ThisModule {
/// Creates a [`ThisModule`] given the `THIS_MODULE` pointer.
/// # Safety
/// The pointer must be equal to the right `THIS_MODULE`.
pub const unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut bindings::module) -> ThisModule {
/// Access the raw pointer for this module.
/// It is up to the user to use it correctly.
pub const fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut bindings::module {
#[cfg(not(any(testlib, test)))]
fn panic(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {
pr_emerg!("{}\n", info);
// SAFETY: FFI call.
unsafe { bindings::BUG() };
/// Produces a pointer to an object from a pointer to one of its fields.
/// # Safety
/// The pointer passed to this macro, and the pointer returned by this macro, must both be in
/// bounds of the same allocation.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use kernel::container_of;
/// struct Test {
/// a: u64,
/// b: u32,
/// }
/// let test = Test { a: 10, b: 20 };
/// let b_ptr = &test.b;
/// // SAFETY: The pointer points at the `b` field of a `Test`, so the resulting pointer will be
/// // in-bounds of the same allocation as `b_ptr`.
/// let test_alias = unsafe { container_of!(b_ptr, Test, b) };
/// assert!(core::ptr::eq(&test, test_alias));
/// ```
macro_rules! container_of {
($ptr:expr, $type:ty, $($f:tt)*) => {{
let ptr = $ptr as *const _ as *const u8;
let offset: usize = ::core::mem::offset_of!($type, $($f)*);
ptr.sub(offset) as *const $type