diff options
authorChris Friedhoff <chris@friedhoff.org>2008-03-30 22:20:11 -0700
committerAndrew G. Morgan <morgan@kernel.org>2008-03-30 22:20:11 -0700
commit375f12c5d94f9344976a971571cd7828876c2173 (patch)
parentf9e06b4db930a690db046e10820d31a7d2e0ccc7 (diff)
Chris' capability conversion scripts.
3 files changed, 805 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/pcaps4convenience b/contrib/pcaps4convenience
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c46735d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/pcaps4convenience
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# vim:expandtab:tabstop=4
+# author: chris friedhoff - chris@friedhoff.org
+# version: pcaps4convenience 2 Tue Mar 11 2008
+# changelog:
+# 1 - initial release pcaps4convenience
+# 2 - changed 'attr -S -r' to 'setcap -r' and removed attr code
+# the user has the necessary POSIX Capabilities in his Inheritance
+# set and the applications are accepting the needed PCaps through
+# their Inheritance set.
+# a user who has not the PCaps in his Inheritance set CAN NOT
+# successfully execute the apps
+# --> SET=ie
+# (if SET=pe than you relax the security level of your machine)
+## these apps uses their POSIX Caps
+# see /usr/include/linux/capability.h
+# adjust - if needed and wanted - /etc/security/capability.conf
+# this apps were converted/reverted
+APPSARRAY=( eject killall modprobe ntpdate qemu route )
+# we put it into this set
+#save assumption!?
+export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/:usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
+ # are we sane?
+ WICH=`which which 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ $WICH == "" ]; then
+ # thats bad
+ echo "Sorry, I haven't found which"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # we needt his apps
+ SETCAP=`which setcap 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ "$SETCAP" == "" ]; then
+ echo "Sorry, I'm missing setcap !"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # checking setcap for SET_SETFCAP PCap ?
+ # for now we stick to root
+ if [ "$( id -u )" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "Sorry, you must be root !"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # convert a single app
+ # $1 is app name; $2 is POSIX Caps
+ # well symlinks to apps, so we use -a ...
+ APP=`which -a $1 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ "$APP" != "" ]; then
+ FOUND=no
+ for i in $APP; do
+ # ... and are looking for symlinks
+ if [ -f "$i" -a ! -L $i -a "$FOUND"=="no" ]; then
+ echo "converting $i"
+ setcap $2=$SET $i
+ FOUND=yes
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$FOUND" == "no" ]; then
+ # 'which' found only symlinks
+ echo "1 haven't found $1"
+ fi
+ else
+ # 'which' hasn't anything given back
+ echo "haven't found $1"
+ fi
+ # revert a singel app
+ # $1 is app name
+ APP=`which -a $1 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ "$APP" != "" ]; then
+ FOUND=no
+ for i in $APP; do
+ if [ -f "$i" -a ! -L $i -a "$FOUND"=="no" ]; then
+ echo "reverting $i"
+ setcap -r $i 2>/dev/null
+ FOUND=yes
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$FOUND" == "no" ]; then
+ echo "1 haven't found $1"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "haven't found $1"
+ fi
+ # we go throug the APPSARRAY and call s2p_app_convert to do the job
+ let UPPER=${#APPSARRAY[*]}-1
+ until [ $COUNTER == $UPPER ]; do
+ p4c_app_convert ${APPSARRAY[$COUNTER]} ${!APPSARRAY[$COUNTER]}
+ let COUNTER+=1
+ done
+ let UPPER=${#APPSARRAY[*]}-1
+ until [ $COUNTER == $UPPER ]; do
+ p4c_app_revert ${APPSARRAY[$COUNTER]}
+ let COUNTER+=1
+ done
+ echo
+ echo "pcaps4convenience"
+ echo
+ echo "pcaps4convenience stores the needed POSIX Capabilities for binaries to"
+ echo "run successful into their Inheritance and Effective Set."
+ echo "The user who wants to execute this binaries successful has to have the"
+ echo "necessary POSIX Capabilities in his Inheritable Set. This might be done"
+ echo "through the PAM module pam_cap.so."
+ echo "A user who has not the needed PCaps in his Inheritance Set CAN NOT execute"
+ echo "these binaries successful."
+ echo "(well, still per sudo or su -c - but thats not the point here)"
+ echo
+ echo "You need and I will check fot the utilities which and setcap."
+ echo
+ echo "Your Filesystem has to support extended attributes and your kernel must have"
+ echo "support for POSIX File Capabilities (CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES)."
+ echo
+ echo "Usage: pcaps4convenience [con(vert)|rev(ert)|help]"
+ echo
+ echo " con|convert - from setuid0 to POSIX Capabilities"
+ echo " rev|revert - from POSIX Capabilities back to setui0"
+ echo " help - this help message"
+ echo
+case "$1" in
+ con|convert)
+ p4c_test
+ p4c_convert
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ rev|revert)
+ p4c_test
+ p4c_revert
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ help)
+ p4c_usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Try 'pcaps4convenience help' for more information"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
diff --git a/contrib/pcaps4server b/contrib/pcaps4server
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af6f9ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/pcaps4server
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4
+# author: chris friedhoff - chris@friedhoff.org
+# version: pcaps4server 5 Tue Mar 11 2008
+# changelog:
+# 1 - initial release pcaps4convenience
+# 1 - 2007.02.15 - initial release
+# 2 - 2007.11.02 - changed to new setfcaps api; each app is now callable; supressed error of id
+# 3 - 2007.12.28 - changed to libcap2 package setcap/getcap
+# 4 - renamed to pcaps4server
+# removed suid0 and convenience files,
+# they are now in pcaps4suid0 resp. pcaps4convenience
+# 5 - changed 'attr -S -r' to 'setcap -r' and removed attr code
+# change the installation of different server to be able not to run as root
+# and have their own unpriviledged user. The binary has the needed POSIX
+# Capabilities.
+# to ensure that the server is really started as his respective user, we set
+# the suid bit (BUT NOT 0)!
+# paths are hard coded and derive from a slackware system
+# change it to your needs !!
+ printRedMessage "$1"
+ # print message red and turn back to white
+ echo -e "\n\033[00;31m $1 ...\033[00;00m\n"
+ # print message red and turn back to white
+ echo -e "\033[00;32m $1 ...\033[00;00m\n"
+ sleep 0.5
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ else
+ printGreenMessage ":-)"
+ sleep 0.5
+ fi
+ #for now, we work with root
+ if [ "$( id -u )" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "Sorry, you must be root !"
+ exit
+ fi
+# apache 1.3
+#APPS="$APPS apache1"
+ message "converting apache1"
+ if [ "$( id -g apache 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ groupadd -g 60 apache
+ fi
+ if [ "$( id -u apache 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ useradd -g apache -d / -u 600 apache
+ fi
+ sed -i -e "{s|^\(User\).*|\1 apache|; s|^\(Group\) .*|\1 apache|}" /etc/apache/httpd.conf
+ chown $VERBOSE -R apache:apache /var/run/apache/
+ chown $VERBOSE -R apache:apache /etc/apache/
+ chown $VERBOSE -R apache:apache /var/log/apache/
+ chown $VERBOSE apache:apache /usr/sbin/httpd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u+s /usr/sbin/httpd
+ setcap cap_net_bind_service=ep /usr/sbin/httpd
+ checkReturnCode
+ message "reverting apache1"
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/run/apache/
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /etc/apache/
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/log/apache/
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /usr/sbin/httpd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u-s /usr/sbin/httpd
+ setcap -r /usr/sbin/httpd
+ checkReturnCode
+ sed -i -e "{s|^\(User\).*|\1 nobody|; s|^\(Group\).*|\1 nogroup|}" /etc/apache/httpd.conf
+ userdel apache
+ groupdel apache
+# apache 2.x
+APPS="$APPS apache2"
+ message "converting apache2"
+ if [ "$( id -g apache 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ groupadd -g 60 apache
+ fi
+ if [ "$( id -u apache 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ useradd -g apache -d / -u 600 apache
+ fi
+ sed -i -e "{s|^\(User\).*|\1 apache|; s|^\(Group\) .*|\1 apache|}" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
+ chown $VERBOSE -R apache:apache /var/run/httpd/
+ chown $VERBOSE -R apache:apache /etc/httpd/
+ chown $VERBOSE -R apache:apache /var/log/httpd/
+ chown $VERBOSE apache:apache /usr/sbin/httpd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u+s /usr/sbin/httpd
+ #setfcaps -c cap_net_bind_service=p -e /usr/sbin/httpd
+ setcap cap_net_bind_service=ep /usr/sbin/httpd
+ checkReturnCode
+ message "reverting apache2"
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/run/httpd/
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /etc/httpd/
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/log/httpd/
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /usr/sbin/httpd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u-s /usr/sbin/httpd
+ setcap -r /usr/sbin/httpd
+ checkReturnCode
+ sed -i -e "{s|^\(User\).*|\1 nobody|; s|^\(Group\).*|\1 nogroup|}" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
+ userdel apache
+ groupdel apache
+# samba
+APPS="$APPS samba"
+ message "converting samba"
+ if [ "$( id -g samba 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ groupadd -g 61 samba
+ fi
+ if [ "$( id -u samba 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ useradd -g samba -d / -u 610 samba
+ fi
+ chown $VERBOSE -R samba:samba /var/log/samba
+ chown $VERBOSE -R samba:samba /etc/samba
+ chown $VERBOSE -R samba:samba /var/run/samba
+ chown $VERBOSE -R samba:samba /var/cache/samba
+ chown $VERBOSE samba:samba /usr/sbin/smbd /usr/sbin/nmbd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u+s /usr/sbin/smbd /usr/sbin/nmbd
+ setcap cap_net_bind_service,cap_sys_resource,cap_dac_override=ep /usr/sbin/smbd
+ checkReturnCode
+ setcap cap_net_bind_service=ep /usr/sbin/nmbd
+ checkReturnCode
+ message "reverting samba"
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/log/samba
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /etc/samba
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/run/samba
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/cache/samba
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /usr/sbin/smbd /usr/sbin/nmbd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u-s /usr/sbin/smbd /usr/sbin/nmbd
+ setcap -r /usr/sbin/smbd
+ checkReturnCode
+ setcap -r /usr/sbin/nmbd
+ checkReturnCode
+ userdel samba
+ groupdel samba
+# bind
+APPS="$APPS bind"
+ message "converting bind"
+ if [ "$( id -g bind 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ groupadd -g 62 bind
+ fi
+ if [ "$( id -u bind 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ useradd -g bind -d / -u 620 bind
+ fi
+ chown $VERBOSE -R bind:bind /var/run/named
+ chown $VERBOSE -R bind:bind /var/named
+ chown $VERBOSE bind:bind /etc/rndc.key
+ chown $VERBOSE bind:bind /usr/sbin/named
+ chmod $VERBOSE u+s /usr/sbin/named
+ setcap cap_net_bind_service=ep /usr/sbin/named
+ checkReturnCode
+ message "reverting bind"
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/run/named
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/named
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /etc/rndc.key
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /usr/sbin/named
+ chmod $VERBOSE u-s /usr/sbin/named
+ setcap -r /usr/sbin/named
+ checkReturnCode
+ userdel bind
+ groupdel bind
+# dhcpd
+APPS="$APPS dhcpd"
+ message "converting dhcpd"
+ if [ "$( id -g dhcpd 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ groupadd -g 63 dhcpd
+ fi
+ if [ "$( id -u dhcpd 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ useradd -g dhcpd -d / -u 630 dhcpd
+ fi
+ chown $VERBOSE dhcpd:dhcpd /var/run/dhcpd
+ chown $VERBOSE dhcpd:dhcpd /etc/dhcpd.conf
+ chown $VERBOSE -R dhcpd:dhcpd /var/state/dhcp/
+ chown $VERBOSE dhcpd:dhcpd /usr/sbin/dhcpd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u+s /usr/sbin/dhcpd
+ setcap cap_net_bind_service,cap_net_raw=ep /usr/sbin/dhcpd
+ checkReturnCode
+ message "reverting dhcpd"
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /var/run/dhcpd
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /etc/dhcpd.conf
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/state/dhcp/
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /usr/sbin/dhcpd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u-s /usr/sbin/dhcpd
+ setcap -r /usr/sbin/dhcpd
+ checkReturnCode
+ userdel dhcpd
+ groupdel dhcpd
+# cupsd
+APPS="$APPS cupsd"
+ message "converting cupsd"
+ if [ "$( id -g cupsd 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ groupadd -g 64 cupsd
+ fi
+ if [ "$( id -u cupsd 2>/dev/null )" == "" ]; then
+ useradd -g cupsd -d / -u 640 cupsd
+ fi
+ sed -i -e "{s|^\(User\).*|\1 cupsd|; s|^\(Group\) .*|\1 cupsd|}" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
+ chown $VERBOSE -R cupsd:cupsd /etc/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE -R cupsd:cupsd /var/cache/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE -R cupsd:cupsd /var/log/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE -R cupsd:cupsd /var/spool/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE -R cupsd:cupsd /var/run/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE cupsd:cupsd /usr/sbin/cupsd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u+s /usr/sbin/cupsd
+ setcap cap_net_bind_service,cap_dac_read_search=ep /usr/sbin/cupsd
+ checkReturnCode
+ message "reverting cupsd"
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /etc/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:lp /var/cache/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/log/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE -R root:root /var/spool/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE root:lp /var/run/cups
+ chown $VERBOSE lp:sys /var/run/cups/certs
+ chmod $VERBOSE 750 /var/run/cups/certs
+ chown $VERBOSE root:root /usr/sbin/cupsd
+ chmod $VERBOSE u-s /usr/sbin/cupsd
+ setcap -r /usr/sbin/cupsd
+ checkReturnCode
+ sed -i -e "{s|^\(User\).*|\1 lp|; s|^\(Group\) .*|\1 sys|}" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
+ userdel cupsd
+ groupdel cupsd
+ echo "Try 'pcaps4server help' for more information"
+ echo
+ echo "pcaps4server"
+ echo
+ echo "pcaps4server stores the needed POSIX Capabilities for server binaries to"
+ echo "run successful into their Permitted and Effective Set."
+ echo "The server are now able to run as an unpriviledged user."
+ echo "For each server software an unpriviledged user is added the system."
+ echo "The ownership of all the respective paths are changed to this user."
+ echo "To ensure that the server is starting as this unpriviledgesd user, the"
+ echo "suid bit (NOT 0) is set."
+ echo "Effectively this means every user can start this server daemons (for now)."
+ echo "All paths are hard coded!"
+ echo "You have been warned. Enjoy!"
+ echo
+ echo "Your Filesystem has to support extended attributes and your kernel must have"
+ echo "support for POSIX File Capabilities (CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES)."
+ echo
+ echo "Usage: pcaps4server [PROG] [con(vert)|rev(ert)|help]"
+ echo
+ echo " con|convert - from setuid0 to POSIX Capabilities"
+ echo " rev|revert - from POSIX Capabilities back to setui0"
+ echo " help - this help message"
+ echo
+ echo " PROG: $APPS"
+ echo
+case "$1" in
+ con|convert)
+ p4r_test
+ for j in $APPS; do
+ ${j}_convert
+ done
+ exit
+ ;;
+ rev|renvert)
+ p4r_test
+ for j in $APPS; do
+ ${j}_revert
+ done
+ exit
+ ;;
+ help)
+ p4r_usage
+ exit
+ ;;
+for i in ${APPS}; do
+ if [ "$1" == "$i" ]; then
+ case "$2" in
+ con|convert)
+ p4r_test
+ ${i}_convert
+ exit
+ ;;
+ rev|revert)
+ p4r_test
+ ${i}_revert
+ exit
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage_message
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
diff --git a/contrib/pcaps4suid0 b/contrib/pcaps4suid0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..799df28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/pcaps4suid0
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# vim:expandtab:tabstop=4
+# author: chris friedhoff - chris@friedhoff.org
+# version: pcaps4suid0 3 Tue Mar 11 2008
+# changelog:
+# 1 - initial release suid02pcaps
+# 2 - renamend to pcaps4suid0
+# implement idea of change between permitted/effective set
+# or iherited/effective set (pam_cap.so)
+# 3 - changed 'attr -S -r' to 'setcap -r' and removed attr code
+# change different suid-0 binaries away from suid-0 to using
+# POSIX Capabilities through their Permitted and Effective Set
+# --> legacy support
+# --> use SET=pe
+# OR change different suid-0 binaries away from suid-0 to using
+# POSIX Capabilities through their Inherited and Effective Set
+# --> PAM support to set Inheritance set through pam_cap.so
+# --> use SET=ie
+# for example use this find call:
+# find {,/usr}{/bin,/sbin} -perm -4000 -uid 0 -exec ls -l {} \;
+## these apps uses their POSIX Caps
+# see /usr/include/linux/capability.h
+#passwd 0,1
+passwd=0,1,3 #PAM
+# this apps were converted/reverted
+APPSARRAY=( ping traceroute chsh chfn Xorg chage passwd unix_chkpwd mount umount )
+# we put it into this set
+#save assumption!?
+export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/:usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
+ # are we sane?
+ WICH=`which which 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ $WICH == "" ]; then
+ # thats bad
+ echo "Sorry, I haven't found which"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # we needt his apps
+ CHMOD=`which chmod 2>/dev/null`
+ SETCAP=`which setcap 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ "$CHMOD" == "" -o "$SETCAP" == "" ]; then
+ echo "Sorry, I'm missing chmod or setcap !"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # checking setcap for SET_SETFCAP PCap ?
+ # for now we stick to root
+ if [ "$( id -u )" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "Sorry, you must be root !"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # convert a single app
+ # $1 is app name; $2 is POSIX Caps
+ # well symlinks to apps, so we use -a ...
+ APP=`which -a $1 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ "$APP" != "" ]; then
+ FOUND=no
+ for i in $APP; do
+ # ... and are looking for symlinks
+ if [ -f "$i" -a ! -L $i -a "$FOUND"=="no" ]; then
+ echo "converting $i"
+ chmod u-s $i
+ setcap $2=$SET $i
+ FOUND=yes
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$FOUND" == "no" ]; then
+ # 'which' found only symlinks
+ echo "1 haven't found $1"
+ fi
+ else
+ # 'which' hasn't anything given back
+ echo "haven't found $1"
+ fi
+ # revert a singel app
+ # $1 is app name
+ APP=`which -a $1 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ "$APP" != "" ]; then
+ FOUND=no
+ for i in $APP; do
+ if [ -f "$i" -a ! -L $i -a "$FOUND"=="no" ]; then
+ echo "reverting $i"
+ chmod u+s $i
+ setcap -r $i 2>/dev/null
+ FOUND=yes
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$FOUND" == "no" ]; then
+ echo "1 haven't found $1"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "haven't found $1"
+ fi
+ # we go throug the APPSARRAY and call s2p_app_convert to do the job
+ let UPPER=${#APPSARRAY[*]}-1
+ until [ $COUNTER == $UPPER ]; do
+ p4s_app_convert ${APPSARRAY[$COUNTER]} ${!APPSARRAY[$COUNTER]}
+ let COUNTER+=1
+ done
+ let UPPER=${#APPSARRAY[*]}-1
+ until [ $COUNTER == $UPPER ]; do
+ p4s_app_revert ${APPSARRAY[$COUNTER]}
+ let COUNTER+=1
+ done
+ echo
+ echo "pcaps4suid0"
+ echo
+ echo "pcaps4suid0 changes the file system entry of binaries from using setuid-0"
+ echo "to using POSIX Capabilities by granting the necessary Privileges"
+ echo "This is done by storing the needed POSIX Capabilities into the extended"
+ echo "attribute capability through setcap."
+ echo "Following the idea of setuid - granting a binary the privilege regardless"
+ echo "of the user, the POSIX Capabilities are stored into the Permitted and"
+ echo "Effective set."
+ echo "If you are using pam_cap.so, you might want to change the set into the"
+ echo "Inherited and Effective set (check for the SET var)."
+ echo
+ echo "You need and I will check fot the utilities which, chmod and setcap."
+ echo
+ echo "Your Filesystem has to support extended attributes and your kernel must have"
+ echo "support for POSIX File Capabilities (CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES)."
+ echo
+ echo "Usage: pcaps4suid0 [con(vert)|rev(ert)|help]"
+ echo
+ echo " con|convert - from setuid0 to POSIX Capabilities"
+ echo " rev|revert - from POSIX Capabilities back to setui0"
+ echo " help - this help message"
+ echo
+case "$1" in
+ con|convert)
+ p4s_test
+ p4s_convert
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ rev|revert)
+ p4s_test
+ p4s_revert
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ help)
+ p4s_usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Try 'pcaps4suid0 help' for more information"
+ exit 1
+ ;;