diff options
authorEric Biggers <ebiggers@google.com>2018-03-09 13:26:10 -0800
committerEric Biggers <ebiggers@google.com>2018-03-09 13:26:10 -0800
commitc4aef043b686bb21f2858068233c5b522da54560 (patch)
parentbf9c00d4d1b9a00654c15cfcf3d70b84821fece2 (diff)
Rewrite of fsverity.py (renamed to fsveritysetup.py) and mkfsverity.sh
Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <ebiggers@google.com>
3 files changed, 621 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/fsverity.py b/fsverity.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 6289ba3..0000000
--- a/fsverity.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import binascii
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-from ctypes import *
-class FSVHeader(Structure):
- _fields_ = [('magic', c_uint8 * 8),
- ('maj_version', c_uint8),
- ('min_version', c_uint8),
- ('log_blocksize', c_uint8),
- ('log_arity', c_uint8),
- ('meta_algorithm', c_uint16),
- ('data_algorithm', c_uint16),
- ('reserved1', c_uint32),
- ('size', c_uint64),
- ('auth_blk_offset', c_uint8),
- ('extension_count', c_uint8),
- ('salt', c_char * 8),
- ('reserved2', c_char * 22)]
-class FSVExt(Structure):
- _fields_ = [('length', c_uint16),
- ('type', c_uint8),
- ('reserved', c_char * 5)]
-class PatchExt(Structure):
- _fields_ = [('offset', c_uint64),
- ('length', c_uint8),
- ('reserved', c_char * 7)]
-# Append databytes at the end of the buffer this gets serialized into
-class ElideExt(Structure):
- _fields_ = [('offset', c_uint64),
- ('length', c_uint64)]
-def parse_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build file-based integrity metadata')
- parser.add_argument('--salt', metavar='<hex_string>', type=binascii.unhexlify,
- help='Hex string, e.g. 01ab')
- parser.add_argument('--tree-file', metavar='<filename>', type=str,
- help='Filename for tree file (optional)')
- parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='<file>', type=str,
- help='Original content input file')
- parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='<file>', type=str,
- help='Output file formatted for fs-verity')
- parser.add_argument('--patch_file', metavar='<file>', type=str,
- help='File containing patch content')
- parser.add_argument('--patch_offset', metavar='<offset>', type=str,
- help='Offset to which to apply patch')
- parser.add_argument('--elide_offset', metavar='<offset>', type=str,
- help='Offset of segment to elide')
- parser.add_argument('--elide_length', metavar='<length>', type=str,
- help='Length of segment to elide')
- return parser.parse_args()
-def generate_merkle_tree(args, elided_file):
- if args.tree_file is not None:
- tree_file_name = args.tree_file
- else:
- tree_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- tree_file_name = tree_file.name
- tree_file.close()
- if elided_file is not None:
- file_to_verity = elided_file.name
- else:
- file_to_verity = args.output_file
- cmd = ['veritysetup', 'format', file_to_verity, tree_file_name, '-s', binascii.hexlify(args.salt), '--no-superblock']
- print ' '.join(cmd)
- output = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
- root_hash = ''
- for line in output.split('\n'):
- if line.startswith('Root hash'):
- root_hash = line.split(':')[1].strip()
- break
- else:
- sys.exit('FATAL: root hash is not found')
- with file(tree_file_name, 'r') as tree_file:
- tree_file.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
- merkle_tree = tree_file.read()
- return root_hash, merkle_tree
-def copy_src_to_dst(args):
- with file(args.output_file, 'w') as dst:
- with file (args.input_file, 'r') as src:
- shutil.copyfileobj(src, dst)
-def pad_dst(args):
- with file (args.output_file, 'a') as dst:
- dst.write('\0' * ((4096 - dst.tell()) % 4096))
-def append_merkle_tree_to_dst(args, tree):
- with file (args.output_file, 'a') as dst:
- dst.write(tree)
-def append_header_to_dst(args, header):
- with file (args.output_file, 'a') as dst:
- dst.write(string_at(pointer(header), sizeof(header)))
-class HeaderOffset(Structure):
- _fields_ = [('hdr_offset', c_uint32)]
-def append_header_reverse_offset_to_dst(args, extensions):
- hdr_offset = HeaderOffset()
- hdr_offset.hdr_offset = HEADER_SIZE + len(extensions) + sizeof(hdr_offset)
- with file (args.output_file, 'a') as dst:
- dst.write(string_at(pointer(hdr_offset), sizeof(hdr_offset)))
-def append_extensions_to_dst(args, extensions):
- with file (args.output_file, 'a') as dst:
- dst.write(extensions)
-def fill_header_struct(args):
- statinfo = os.stat(args.input_file)
- header = FSVHeader()
- assert sizeof(header) == HEADER_SIZE
- memset(addressof(header), 0, sizeof(header))
- memmove(addressof(header) + FSVHeader.magic.offset, b'TrueBrew', 8)
- header.maj_version = 1
- header.min_version = 0
- header.log_blocksize = 12
- header.log_arity = 7
- header.meta_algorithm = 1 # sha256
- header.data_algorithm = 1 # sha256
- header.reserved1 = 0
- header.size = statinfo.st_size
- header.auth_blk_offset = 0
- header.extension_count = 0
- if args.patch_file is not None and args.patch_offset is not None:
- header.extension_count += 1
- header.salt = args.salt
- return header
-def apply_patch(args):
- if args.patch_file is not None and args.patch_offset is not None:
- statinfo = os.stat(args.patch_file)
- patch_file_size = statinfo.st_size
- if patch_file_size > 256:
- print "Invalid patch file size; must be <= 256 bytes: [", patch_file_size, "]"
- return None
- statinfo = os.stat(args.output_file)
- if statinfo.st_size < (int(args.patch_offset) + patch_file_size):
- print "Invalid output file size for patch offset and size"
- return None
- with file (args.patch_file, 'r') as patch_file:
- patch_buf = ""
- original_content = ""
- with file (args.output_file, 'r') as dst:
- dst.seek(int(args.patch_offset), os.SEEK_SET)
- original_content = dst.read(patch_file_size)
- dst.seek(int(args.patch_offset), os.SEEK_SET)
- patch_buf = patch_file.read(patch_file_size)
- dst.close()
- with file (args.output_file, 'w') as dst:
- dst.seek(int(args.patch_offset), os.SEEK_SET)
- dst.write(patch_buf)
- dst.close()
- return original_content
- else:
- return None
-def serialize_extensions(args):
- patch_ext_buf = None
- elide_ext_buf = None
- if args.patch_file is not None and args.patch_offset is not None:
- statinfo = os.stat(args.patch_file)
- patch_file_size = statinfo.st_size
- exthdr = FSVExt()
- memset(addressof(exthdr), 0, sizeof(exthdr))
- patch_ext = PatchExt()
- memset(addressof(patch_ext), 0, sizeof(patch_ext))
- aligned_patch_size = ((int(patch_file_size) + int(8 - 1)) / int(8)) * int(8)
- exthdr.length = sizeof(exthdr) + sizeof(patch_ext) + aligned_patch_size;
- exthdr.type = 1 # 1 == patch extension
- patch_ext.offset = int(args.patch_offset)
- print "Patch offset: ", patch_ext.offset
- patch_ext.length = patch_file_size
- print "Patch length: ", patch_ext.length
- patch_ext_buf = create_string_buffer(exthdr.length)
- memset(addressof(patch_ext_buf), 0, sizeof(patch_ext_buf)) # Includes the zero-pad
- memmove(addressof(patch_ext_buf), addressof(exthdr), sizeof(exthdr))
- memmove(addressof(patch_ext_buf) + sizeof(exthdr), addressof(patch_ext), sizeof(patch_ext))
- with file (args.patch_file, 'r') as patch_file:
- memmove(addressof(patch_ext_buf) + sizeof(exthdr) + sizeof(patch_ext), patch_file.read(patch_file_size), patch_file_size)
- if args.elide_offset is not None and args.elide_length is not None:
- exthdr = FSVExt()
- memset(addressof(exthdr), 0, sizeof(exthdr))
- elide_ext = ElideExt()
- memset(addressof(elide_ext), 0, sizeof(elide_ext))
- exthdr.length = sizeof(exthdr) + sizeof(elide_ext)
- exthdr.type = 0 # 0 == elide extension
- elide_ext.offset = int(args.elide_offset)
- print "Elide offset: ", elide_ext.offset
- elide_ext.length = int(args.elide_length)
- print "Elide length: ", elide_ext.length
- elide_ext_buf = create_string_buffer(exthdr.length)
- memset(addressof(elide_ext_buf), 0, sizeof(elide_ext_buf))
- memmove(addressof(elide_ext_buf), addressof(exthdr), sizeof(exthdr))
- memmove(addressof(elide_ext_buf) + sizeof(exthdr), addressof(elide_ext), sizeof(elide_ext))
- return (string_at(patch_ext_buf) if (patch_ext_buf is not None) else "") + (string_at(elide_ext_buf) if (elide_ext_buf is not None) else "")
-def restore_patched_content(args, original_content):
- if original_content is not None:
- with file (args.output_file, 'w') as dst:
- dst.seek(int(args.patch_offset), os.SEEK_SET)
- dst.write(original_content)
-def elide_dst(args):
- if args.elide_offset is not None and args.elide_length is not None:
- statinfo = os.stat(args.output_file)
- dst_size = statinfo.st_size
- if dst_size < (int(args.elide_offset) + elide_length):
- print "dst_size >= elide region offet+length"
- return None
- elided_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- with file (args.output_file, 'r') as dst:
- elided_file.write(dst.read(int(args.elide_offset)))
- end_of_elided_segment = int(args.elide_offset) + int(args.elide_length)
- dst.seek(end_of_elided_segment, os.SEEK_SET)
- elided_file.write(dst.read(dst_size - end_of_elided_segment))
- return elided_file
- else:
- return None
-def main():
- args = parse_args()
- copy_src_to_dst(args)
- pad_dst(args)
- original_content = apply_patch(args)
- elided_file = elide_dst(args)
- root_hash, merkle_tree = generate_merkle_tree(args, elided_file)
- append_merkle_tree_to_dst(args, merkle_tree)
- header = fill_header_struct(args)
- append_header_to_dst(args, header)
- extensions = serialize_extensions(args)
- append_extensions_to_dst(args, extensions)
- restore_patched_content(args, original_content)
- append_header_reverse_offset_to_dst(args, extensions)
- print 'Merkle root hash: [', root_hash, "]"
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/fsveritysetup.py b/fsveritysetup.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc90526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fsveritysetup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+"""Sets up a file for fs-verity."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import binascii
+import ctypes
+import hashlib
+import io
+import math
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+HASH_ALGORITHM = 'sha256'
+FS_VERITY_MAGIC = b'TrueBrew'
+class fsverity_header(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('magic', ctypes.c_char * 8), #
+ ('maj_version', ctypes.c_uint8),
+ ('min_version', ctypes.c_uint8),
+ ('log_blocksize', ctypes.c_uint8),
+ ('log_arity', ctypes.c_uint8),
+ ('meta_algorithm', ctypes.c_uint16),
+ ('data_algorithm', ctypes.c_uint16),
+ ('flags', ctypes.c_uint32),
+ ('reserved1', ctypes.c_uint32),
+ ('size', ctypes.c_uint64),
+ ('auth_blk_offset', ctypes.c_uint8),
+ ('extension_count', ctypes.c_uint8),
+ ('salt', ctypes.c_char * FS_VERITY_SALT_SIZE),
+ ('reserved2', ctypes.c_char * 22)
+ ]
+class fsverity_extension(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('length', ctypes.c_uint16), #
+ ('type', ctypes.c_uint8),
+ ('reserved', ctypes.c_char * 5)
+ ]
+class fsverity_extension_patch(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('offset', ctypes.c_uint64), #
+ ('length', ctypes.c_uint8),
+ ('reserved', ctypes.c_char * 7)
+ # followed by variable-length 'databytes'
+ ]
+class fsverity_extension_elide(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ('offset', ctypes.c_uint64), #
+ ('length', ctypes.c_uint64)
+ ]
+class HeaderOffset(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
+ _fields_ = [('hdr_offset', ctypes.c_uint32)]
+def copy_bytes(src, dst, n):
+ """Copies 'n' bytes from the 'src' file to the 'dst' file."""
+ if n < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Negative copy count: {}'.format(n))
+ while n > 0:
+ buf = src.read(min(n, io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE))
+ if not buf:
+ raise EOFError('Unexpected end of src file')
+ dst.write(buf)
+ n -= len(buf)
+def copy(src, dst):
+ """Copies from the 'src' file to the 'dst' file until EOF on 'src'."""
+ buf = src.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ while buf:
+ dst.write(buf)
+ buf = src.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+def pad_to_block_boundary(f):
+ """Pads the file with zeroes to data block boundary."""
+ f.write(b'\0' * (-f.tell() % DATA_BLOCK_SIZE))
+def ilog2(n):
+ l = int(math.log(n, 2))
+ if n != 1 << l:
+ raise ValueError('{} is not a power of 2'.format(n))
+ return l
+def serialize_struct(struct):
+ """Serializes a ctypes.Structure to a byte array."""
+ return bytes(ctypes.string_at(ctypes.pointer(struct), ctypes.sizeof(struct)))
+def veritysetup(data_filename, tree_filename, salt):
+ """Built-in Merkle tree generation algorithm."""
+ salted_hash = hashlib.new(HASH_ALGORITHM)
+ salted_hash.update(salt)
+ hashes_per_block = HASH_BLOCK_SIZE // salted_hash.digest_size
+ level_blocks = [os.stat(data_filename).st_size // DATA_BLOCK_SIZE]
+ while level_blocks[-1] > 1:
+ level_blocks.append(
+ (level_blocks[-1] + hashes_per_block - 1) // hashes_per_block)
+ hash_block_offset = sum(level_blocks) - level_blocks[0]
+ with open(data_filename, 'rb') as datafile:
+ with open(tree_filename, 'r+b') as hashfile:
+ for level, blockcount in enumerate(level_blocks):
+ (i, pending) = (0, bytearray())
+ for j in range(blockcount):
+ h = salted_hash.copy()
+ if level == 0:
+ datafile.seek(j * DATA_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ h.update(datafile.read(DATA_BLOCK_SIZE))
+ else:
+ hashfile.seek((hash_block_offset + j) * HASH_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ h.update(hashfile.read(HASH_BLOCK_SIZE))
+ pending += h.digest()
+ if level + 1 == len(level_blocks):
+ assert len(pending) == salted_hash.digest_size
+ return binascii.hexlify(pending).decode('ascii')
+ if len(pending) == HASH_BLOCK_SIZE or j + 1 == blockcount:
+ pending += b'\0' * (HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - len(pending))
+ hashfile.seek((hash_block_offset - level_blocks[level + 1] + i) *
+ hashfile.write(pending)
+ (i, pending) = (i + 1, bytearray())
+ hash_block_offset -= level_blocks[level + 1]
+class Extension(object):
+ """An fs-verity patch or elide extension."""
+ def __init__(self, offset, length):
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.length = length
+ if self.length < self.MIN_LENGTH:
+ raise ValueError('length too small (got {}, need >= {})'.format(
+ self.length, self.MIN_LENGTH))
+ if self.length > self.MAX_LENGTH:
+ raise ValueError('length too large (got {}, need <= {})'.format(
+ self.length, self.MAX_LENGTH))
+ if self.offset < 0:
+ raise ValueError('offset cannot be negative (got {})'.format(self.offset))
+ def serialize(self):
+ type_buf = self._serialize_impl()
+ hdr = fsverity_extension()
+ pad = -len(type_buf) % 8
+ hdr.length = ctypes.sizeof(hdr) + len(type_buf) + pad
+ hdr.type = self.TYPE_CODE
+ return serialize_struct(hdr) + type_buf + (b'\0' * pad)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '{}(offset {}, length {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.offset, self.length)
+class ElideExtension(Extension):
+ """An fs-verity elide extension."""
+ MAX_LENGTH = (1 << 64) - 1
+ def __init__(self, offset, length):
+ Extension.__init__(self, offset, length)
+ def apply(self, out_file):
+ pass
+ def _serialize_impl(self):
+ ext = fsverity_extension_elide()
+ ext.offset = self.offset
+ ext.length = self.length
+ return serialize_struct(ext)
+class PatchExtension(Extension):
+ """An fs-verity patch extension."""
+ MAX_LENGTH = 255
+ def __init__(self, offset, data):
+ Extension.__init__(self, offset, len(data))
+ self.data = data
+ def apply(self, dst):
+ dst.write(self.data)
+ def _serialize_impl(self):
+ ext = fsverity_extension_patch()
+ ext.offset = self.offset
+ ext.length = self.length
+ return serialize_struct(ext) + self.data
+class BadExtensionListError(Exception):
+ pass
+class FSVerityGenerator(object):
+ """Sets up a file for fs-verity."""
+ def __init__(self, in_filename, out_filename, salt, **kwargs):
+ self.in_filename = in_filename
+ self.original_size = os.stat(in_filename).st_size
+ self.out_filename = out_filename
+ self.salt = salt
+ assert len(salt) == FS_VERITY_SALT_SIZE
+ self.tree_filename = kwargs.get('tree_filename')
+ self.extensions = kwargs.get('extensions')
+ if self.extensions is None:
+ self.extensions = []
+ self.builtin_veritysetup = kwargs.get('builtin_veritysetup')
+ if self.builtin_veritysetup is None:
+ self.builtin_veritysetup = False
+ self.tmp_filenames = []
+ # Patches and elisions must be within the file size and must not overlap.
+ self.extensions = sorted(self.extensions, key=lambda ext: ext.offset)
+ for i, ext in enumerate(self.extensions):
+ ext_end = ext.offset + ext.length
+ if ext_end > self.original_size:
+ raise BadExtensionListError(
+ '{} extends beyond end of file!'.format(ext))
+ if i + 1 < len(
+ self.extensions) and ext_end > self.extensions[i + 1].offset:
+ raise BadExtensionListError('{} overlaps {}!'.format(
+ ext, self.extensions[i + 1]))
+ def _open_tmpfile(self, mode):
+ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode, delete=False)
+ self.tmp_filenames.append(f.name)
+ return f
+ def _delete_tmpfiles(self):
+ for filename in self.tmp_filenames:
+ os.unlink(filename)
+ def _apply_extensions(self, data_filename):
+ with open(data_filename, 'rb') as src:
+ with self._open_tmpfile('wb') as dst:
+ src_pos = 0
+ for ext in self.extensions:
+ print('Applying {}'.format(ext))
+ copy_bytes(src, dst, ext.offset - src_pos)
+ ext.apply(dst)
+ src_pos = ext.offset + ext.length
+ src.seek(src_pos)
+ copy(src, dst)
+ return dst.name
+ def _generate_merkle_tree(self, data_filename):
+ """Generates a file's Merkle tree for fs-verity.
+ Args:
+ data_filename: file for which to generate the tree. Patches and/or
+ elisions may need to be applied on top of it.
+ Returns:
+ (root hash as hex, name of the file containing the Merkle tree).
+ Raises:
+ OSError: A problem occurred when executing the 'veritysetup'
+ program to generate the Merkle tree.
+ """
+ # If there are any patch or elide extensions, apply them to a temporary file
+ # and use that to build the Merkle tree instead of the original data.
+ if self.extensions:
+ data_filename = self._apply_extensions(data_filename)
+ # Pad to a data block boundary before building the Merkle tree.
+ # Note: elisions may result in padding being needed, even if the original
+ # file was block-aligned!
+ with open(data_filename, 'ab') as f:
+ pad_to_block_boundary(f)
+ # Choose the file to which we'll output the Merkle tree: either an
+ # explicitly specified one or a temporary one.
+ if self.tree_filename is not None:
+ tree_filename = self.tree_filename
+ else:
+ with self._open_tmpfile('wb') as f:
+ tree_filename = f.name
+ if self.builtin_veritysetup:
+ root_hash = veritysetup(data_filename, tree_filename, self.salt)
+ else:
+ # Delegate to 'veritysetup' to actually build the Merkle tree.
+ cmd = [
+ 'veritysetup',
+ 'format',
+ data_filename,
+ tree_filename,
+ '--salt=' + binascii.hexlify(self.salt).decode('ascii'),
+ '--no-superblock',
+ '--hash={}'.format(HASH_ALGORITHM),
+ '--data-block-size={}'.format(DATA_BLOCK_SIZE),
+ '--hash-block-size={}'.format(HASH_BLOCK_SIZE),
+ ]
+ print(' '.join(cmd))
+ output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
+ # Extract the root hash from veritysetup's output.
+ root_hash = None
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('Root hash'):
+ root_hash = line.split(':')[1].strip()
+ break
+ if root_hash is None:
+ raise OSError('Root hash not found in veritysetup output!')
+ return root_hash, tree_filename
+ def _generate_header(self):
+ """Generates the fs-verity header."""
+ header = fsverity_header()
+ assert ctypes.sizeof(header) == 64
+ header.magic = FS_VERITY_MAGIC
+ header.maj_version = 1
+ header.min_version = 0
+ header.log_blocksize = ilog2(DATA_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ assert HASH_ALGORITHM == 'sha256'
+ header.log_arity = ilog2(DATA_BLOCK_SIZE / 32) # sha256 hash size
+ header.meta_algorithm = 1 # sha256
+ header.data_algorithm = 1 # sha256
+ header.size = self.original_size
+ header.extension_count = len(self.extensions)
+ header.salt = self.salt
+ return serialize_struct(header)
+ def generate(self):
+ """Sets up a file for fs-verity.
+ The input file will be copied to the output file, then have the fs-verity
+ metadata appended to it.
+ Returns:
+ (fs-verity measurement, Merkle tree root hash), both as hex.
+ Raises:
+ IOError: Problem reading/writing the files.
+ """
+ # Copy the input file to the output file.
+ with open(self.in_filename, 'rb') as infile:
+ with open(self.out_filename, 'wb') as outfile:
+ copy(infile, outfile)
+ if outfile.tell() != self.original_size:
+ raise IOError('{}: size changed!'.format(self.in_filename))
+ try:
+ # Generate the file's Merkle tree and calculate its root hash.
+ (root_hash, tree_filename) = self._generate_merkle_tree(self.out_filename)
+ with open(self.out_filename, 'ab') as outfile:
+ # Pad to a block boundary and append the Merkle tree.
+ pad_to_block_boundary(outfile)
+ with open(tree_filename, 'rb') as treefile:
+ copy(treefile, outfile)
+ # Append the fs-verity header.
+ header = self._generate_header()
+ outfile.write(header)
+ # Append extension items, if any.
+ extensions = bytearray()
+ for ext in self.extensions:
+ extensions += ext.serialize()
+ outfile.write(extensions)
+ # Finish the output file by writing the header offset field.
+ hdr_offset = HeaderOffset()
+ hdr_offset.hdr_offset = len(header) + len(extensions) + ctypes.sizeof(
+ HeaderOffset)
+ outfile.write(serialize_struct(hdr_offset))
+ # Compute the fs-verity measurement.
+ measurement = hashlib.new(HASH_ALGORITHM)
+ measurement.update(header)
+ measurement.update(extensions)
+ measurement.update(binascii.unhexlify(root_hash))
+ measurement = measurement.hexdigest()
+ finally:
+ self._delete_tmpfiles()
+ return (measurement, root_hash)
+def convert_salt_argument(argstring):
+ try:
+ b = binascii.unhexlify(argstring)
+ if len(b) != FS_VERITY_SALT_SIZE:
+ raise ValueError
+ return b
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+ 'Must be a 16-character hex string. (Got "{}")'.format(argstring))
+def convert_patch_argument(argstring):
+ try:
+ (offset, patchfile) = argstring.split(',')
+ offset = int(offset)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+ 'Must be formatted as <offset,patchfile>. (Got "{}")'.format(
+ argstring))
+ try:
+ with open(patchfile, 'rb') as f:
+ data = f.read()
+ return PatchExtension(int(offset), data)
+ except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(e)
+def convert_elide_argument(argstring):
+ try:
+ (offset, length) = argstring.split(',')
+ offset = int(offset)
+ length = int(length)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
+ 'Must be formatted as <offset,length>. (Got "{}")'.format(argstring))
+ try:
+ return ElideExtension(offset, length)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(e)
+def parse_args():
+ """Parses the command-line arguments."""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Sets up a file for fs-verity (file-based integrity)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'in_filename',
+ metavar='<input_file>',
+ type=str,
+ help='Original content input file')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'out_filename',
+ metavar='<output_file>',
+ type=str,
+ help='Output file formatted for fs-verity')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--salt',
+ metavar='<hex_string>',
+ type=convert_salt_argument,
+ default='00' * FS_VERITY_SALT_SIZE,
+ help='{}-byte salt, given as a {}-character hex string'.format(
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--tree-file',
+ metavar='<tree_file>',
+ dest='tree_filename',
+ type=str,
+ help='File to which to output the raw Merkle tree (optional)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--patch',
+ metavar='<offset,patchfile>',
+ type=convert_patch_argument,
+ action='append',
+ dest='extensions',
+ help="""Add a patch extension (not recommended). Data in the region
+ beginning at <offset> in the original file and continuing for
+ filesize(<patchfile>) bytes will be replaced with the contents of
+ <patchfile> for verification purposes, but reads will return the original
+ data.""")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--elide',
+ metavar='<offset,length>',
+ type=convert_elide_argument,
+ action='append',
+ dest='extensions',
+ help="""Add an elide extension (not recommended). Data in the region
+ beginning at <offset> in the original file and continuing for <length>
+ bytes will not be verified.""")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--builtin-veritysetup',
+ action='store_const',
+ const=True,
+ help="""Use the built-in Merkle tree generation algorithm rather than
+ invoking the external veritysetup program. They should produce the same
+ result.""")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+ args = parse_args()
+ try:
+ generator = FSVerityGenerator(
+ args.in_filename,
+ args.out_filename,
+ args.salt,
+ tree_filename=args.tree_filename,
+ extensions=args.extensions,
+ builtin_veritysetup=args.builtin_veritysetup)
+ except BadExtensionListError as e:
+ sys.stderr.write('ERROR: {}\n'.format(e))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ (measurement, root_hash) = generator.generate()
+ print('Merkle root hash: {}'.format(root_hash))
+ print('fs-verity measurement: {}'.format(measurement))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/mkfsverity.sh b/mkfsverity.sh
index bb88865..85dc55c 100755
--- a/mkfsverity.sh
+++ b/mkfsverity.sh
@@ -1,48 +1,92 @@
-set -x
-while getopts "poeskf:" opt; do
- case "$opt" in
- p) patch=1
- ;;
- o) patch_offset=$OPTARG
- ;;
- e) elide=1
- ;;
- f) elide_offset=$OPTARG
- ;;
- s) size=$OPTARG
- ;;
- k) keep_input=1
- ;;
- esac
+set -eu
+usage() {
+ cat << EOF
+Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]
+Test formatting a randomly generated file for fs-verity.
+ -s, --size=SIZE
+ -k, --keep-input
+ -p, --patch=OFFSET,LENGTH [can be repeated]
+ -e, --elide=OFFSET,LENGTH [can be repeated]
+ -h, --help
+if ! options=$(getopt -o s:kp:e:h \
+ -l size:,keep-input,patch:,elide:,help -- "$@"); then
+ usage 1>&2
+ exit 2
+eval set -- "$options"
+while (( $# > 0 )); do
+ case "$1" in
+ -s|--size)
+ SIZE="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -k|--keep-input)
+ ;;
+ -p|--patch)
+ PATCHES+=("$2")
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -e|--elide)
+ ELISIONS+=("$2")
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo 1>&2 "Invalid option \"$1\""
+ usage 1>&2
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
-shift $((OPTIND-1))
-[ "$1" = "--" ] && shift
-echo "size=$size, filename='$filename', patch_filename='$patch_filename', patch=$patch, patch_offset=$patch_offset, elide=$elide, unparsed: $@"
-num_blks=$(($size / 4096))
-echo "Number of blocks: $num_blks"
-if [ $keep_input -eq 0 ]; then
- remainder=$(($size % 4096))
- echo "Remainder: $remainder"
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=$filename bs=4096 count=$num_blks
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=$filename bs=1 count=$remainder seek=$blk_aligned_sz
+if (( $# != 0 )); then
+ usage 1>&2
+ exit 2
-dd if=/dev/urandom of=$patch_filename bs=1 count=$patch_length
-if [ $elide -eq 1 ]; then ELIDE_ARGS=" --elide_offset=${elide_offset} --elide_length=${elide_length}"; fi
-if [ $patch -eq 1 ]; then PATCH_ARGS=" --patch_offset=${patch_offset} --patch_file=${patch_filename}"; fi
-./fsverity.py $filename "output-$size.apk" --salt=deadbeef00000000 ${PATCH_ARGS} ${ELIDE_ARGS}
+if ! $KEEP_INPUT; then
+ head -c "$SIZE" /dev/urandom > "$filename"
+cmd=(./fsveritysetup.py "$filename" "output-$SIZE.apk")
+for i in "${!PATCHES[@]}"; do
+ patch_offset=$(echo "${PATCHES[$i]}" | cut -d, -f1)
+ patch_length=$(echo "${PATCHES[$i]}" | cut -d, -f2)
+ patch_filename="output-$SIZE-patch_$i"
+ head -c "$patch_length" /dev/urandom > "$patch_filename"
+ cmd+=("--patch=$patch_offset,$patch_filename")
+echo "${cmd[@]}"