diff options
authorDavid Sainty <dave@dtsp.co.nz>2012-11-30 12:31:39 +1300
committerDavid Sainty <dave@dtsp.co.nz>2012-11-30 12:31:39 +1300
commit1d249991ae8f527944d5576e91849e9e1d0bc424 (patch)
parent9eb0154502ec0eeb732d37ef41980a2860d4bb06 (diff)
A number of fixes for the weather reading test case:
- Don't assume the player ID is constant. - Fall back onto the display name if the video doesn't have programme/series/episode details (For example, a clip). - Instead of demanding a precise and explicit rate match, automatically find the best match we can below the requested rate. - Content reported with the "rtmp" protocol are actually delivered on port 80 via "rtmpt". [Subversion revision 16025]
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Tvnz.pm b/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Tvnz.pm
index 919b2c7..52f900e 100644
--- a/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Tvnz.pm
+++ b/lib/FlashVideo/Site/Tvnz.pm
@@ -41,10 +41,6 @@ sub find_video {
sub amfrequest($$$$) {
my($self, $base_url, $player_id, $metadata) = @_;
- if ($player_id ne "1029272630001") {
- die "Player ID looks botched";
- }
my $has_amf_packet = eval { require Data::AMF::Packet };
if (!$has_amf_packet) {
die "Must have Data::AMF::Packet installed to download Brightcove videos";
@@ -105,19 +101,10 @@ sub amfresponse($$$$$$) {
#require Data::Dumper;
#print Data::Dumper::Dumper($packet);
- my @found = ();
- {
- # renditions Array contains the rtmpe URL.
- my $renditions = $packet->messages->[0]->{value}->{programmedContent}->{videoPlayer}->{mediaDTO}->{renditions};
- if (ref($renditions) ne 'ARRAY') {
- die "Unexpected data from AMF gateway";
- }
- foreach my $rendition (@{$renditions}) {
- if ($rendition->{defaultURL}) {
- push(@found, $rendition);
- }
- }
+ # renditions Array contains the rtmpe URL.
+ my $renditions = $packet->messages->[0]->{value}->{programmedContent}->{videoPlayer}->{mediaDTO}->{renditions};
+ if (ref($renditions) ne 'ARRAY') {
+ die "Unexpected data from AMF gateway";
# other information returned in message.
@@ -125,36 +112,44 @@ sub amfresponse($$$$$$) {
my $mediaId = $detail->{mediaId};
- my $publisherId = $detail->{mediaDTO}->{publisherId};
+ my $mediaDTO = $detail->{mediaDTO};
+ my $publisherId = $mediaDTO->{publisherId};
die "Publisher ID not determined" if !defined($publisherId);
- my $customFields = $detail->{mediaDTO}->{customFields};
+ my $customFields = $mediaDTO->{customFields};
my $programme = $customFields->{programme};
- die "Programme number not determined" if !defined($programme);
+ if (!defined($programme)) {
+ # Fall back onto the display name if the video doesn't have
+ # programme/series/episode details (For example, a clip).
+ $programme = $mediaDTO->{displayName};
+ }
+ die "Programme name not determined" if !defined($programme);
my $seriesnumber = $customFields->{seriesnumber};
- die "Series number not determined" if !defined($seriesnumber);
my $episodenumber = $customFields->{episodenumber};
- die "Episode number not determined" if !defined($episodenumber);
- my $episodename = $customFields->{episodename};
- die "Episode name not determined" if !defined($episodename);
+ if (defined($seriesnumber) || defined($episodenumber)) {
+ $programme .= "_";
+ $programme .= sprintf("S\%02d", $seriesnumber) if defined($seriesnumber);
+ $programme .= sprintf("E\%02d", $episodenumber) if defined($episodenumber);
+ }
- my $filehead = $programme .
- sprintf("_S\%02dE\%02d_", $seriesnumber, $episodenumber) .
- $episodename;
+ my $episodename = $customFields->{episodename};
+ $programme .= "_" . $episodename if defined($episodename);
my $encode_rate = $encode_rates->{$prefs->{quality}};
if (!defined($encode_rate)) {
$encode_rate = $prefs->{quality};
- my @rtmpdump_commands = ();
+ my $bestMatch = undef;
+ foreach my $rendition (@{$renditions}) {
+ my $defaultURL = $rendition->{defaultURL};
+ next if !defined($defaultURL);
- for my $d (@found) {
- my $rate = $d->{encodingRate};
+ my $rate = $rendition->{encodingRate};
# The service returns encoding rates that are close to, but not
# exactly, the published rates of 250k, 700k, 1500k etc. For
@@ -165,36 +160,72 @@ sub amfresponse($$$$$$) {
$rate = (($rate + 500) / 1000) * 1000;
- #print "Saw: " . $d->{defaultURL} . " @ " . $rate . "\n";
+ #print "Saw: " . $rendition->{defaultURL} . " @ " . $rate . "\n";
- next if $encode_rate != $rate;
+ # If the selected rate is lower than this option's rate, discard
+ # this option.
+ next if $encode_rate < $rate;
- my $host = ($d->{defaultURL} =~ m!rtmpe://(.*?)/!)[0];
- my $file = ($d->{defaultURL} =~ /^[^&]+&(.*)$/)[0];
- my $app = ($d->{defaultURL} =~ m!//.*?/(.*?)/&!)[0];
- my $filenamePrefix = $filehead . "_" . $rate;
+ # If we have already found an option that is lower than the
+ # selected encoding rate, but higher than this rate, then discard
+ # this option.
+ next if (defined($bestMatch) && $bestMatch->{rate} > $rate);
- my $filename = title_to_filename($filenamePrefix);
- $filename ||= get_video_filename();
+ $bestMatch = {
+ rate => $rate,
+ rendition => $rendition
+ }
+ }
+ return undef if !defined($bestMatch);
+ my $d = $bestMatch->{rendition};
+ my $rate = $bestMatch->{rate};
+ my $defaultURL = $d->{defaultURL};
+ if ($defaultURL !~ m!^(rtmpe?)://([^/]+)/([^&]+)/&(.*)$!s) {
+ die "Failed to parse URL: " . $defaultURL;
+ }
+ my $protocol = $1;
+ my $host = $2;
+ my $rtmpApp = $3;
+ my $file = $4;
+ my $filenamePrefix = $programme . "_" . $rate;
+ my $filename = title_to_filename($filenamePrefix);
+ $filename ||= get_video_filename();
- $app .= "?videoId=" . $mediaId .
- "&lineUpId=&pubId=" . $publisherId .
- "&playerId=" . $player_id . "&affiliateId=";
+ my $app = $rtmpApp . "?videoId=" . $mediaId .
+ "&lineUpId=&pubId=" . $publisherId .
+ "&playerId=" . $player_id . "&affiliateId=";
- my $args = {
- app => $app,
- pageUrl => $page_url,
- swfVfy => "http://admin.brightcove.com/viewer/us1.",
- tcUrl => "rtmpe://$host:1935/$app",
- rtmp => "$d->{defaultURL}",
- playpath => $file,
- flv => $filename,
- };
+ my $port = 1935;
- push @rtmpdump_commands, $args;
+ #
+ # Content reported with the "rtmp" protocol are actually delivered
+ # on port 80 via "rtmpt".
+ #
+ if ($protocol eq "rtmp") {
+ $port = 80;
+ $protocol = "rtmpt";
- return \@rtmpdump_commands;
+ my $tcUrl = $protocol . "://" . $host . ":" . $port . "/" . $rtmpApp;
+ my $rtmpUrl = $protocol . "://" . $host . "/" . $rtmpApp . "/&" . $file;
+ my $args = {
+ app => $app,
+ pageUrl => $page_url,
+ swfVfy => "http://admin.brightcove.com/viewer/us1.",
+ tcUrl => $tcUrl,
+ rtmp => $rtmpUrl,
+ playpath => $file,
+ flv => $filename,
+ };
+ return [ $args ];
sub amfgateway {