Version functions

Version functions — functions to get the library version.


int                 scols_get_library_version           (const char **ver_string);
int                 scols_parse_version_string          (const char *ver_string);
#define             LIBSMARTCOLS_VERSION


Note that library version is not the same thing as SONAME version. The libsmarcols uses symbols versioning and SONAME is not modified for releases.

The library version and symbols version follow util-linux package versioning.


scols_get_library_version ()

int                 scols_get_library_version           (const char **ver_string);

ver_string :

return pointer to the static library version string if not NULL

Returns :

release version number.

scols_parse_version_string ()

int                 scols_parse_version_string          (const char *ver_string);

ver_string :

version string (e.g "2.18.0")

Returns :

release version code.


#define LIBSMARTCOLS_VERSION   "2.25.0"

Library version string