------------------------------------------------------------------ - cf2html 0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ cf2html is a utility program for mon that is meant to generate an HTML version of the mon config file. It can also do ASCII, but not particularly well. Here's the description, from the README file: # DESCRIPTION # How many people in your organization really know how everything on # your network is monitored by your mon configuration? How many # people could find out if they wanted to know, and how many of # these would be stymied by lack of understanding of mon's # (admittedly straightforward) config file syntax? # # cf2html takes a *valid*, post-m4-processed, mon configuration file # as input, and produces an HTML-formatted version of the file # suitable for sharing with an audience of people who are not familiar # with mon's config file format. The HTML format can also be useful # even if you are familiar with mon's config file format, since # sometimes the improved formatting can cause you to notice problems # or inconsistencies with your configuration that you never # noticed before. # # It is hoped that, as a result of using this script, IT departments # as a whole -- not just you, the mon guru who has set up mon and # keeps it updated -- will be able to have a better understanding # of the kind of monitoring which is taking place in their networks. # # It is also possible to produce ASCII text output with this script, # although the output looks much different and doesn't have the summary # features that the HTML does. There's no reason the ASCII output # couldn't look better and have the summary features, it's just a # matter of where development time and effort were spent. A 1.0 release of this script will implement all mon config file keywords as of the current version of mon. There's currently only a few keywords missing and adding new ones is not difficult. This script is not mon compliant in one small but significant way: it allows use of the "alertafter TIMEVAL" syntax which is not supported in mon, and may never be. I submitted it as a patch, we'll see if it ever makes it in. Pre-requisites: --------------- cf2html requires HTML::Entities, which is part of HTML-Parser, available from CPAN: http://cpan.org/modules/search?dist=HTML-Parser Basic usage: ------------ If your mon config file is in m4 format: m4 /etc/mon.cf.m4 | cf2html > /home/www/moncf.html The above, but setting your own special title and color scheme, and using a mon config file that has already gone (or never needed to go) through m4. cf2html -f /etc/mon.cf -T "My Mon Config File" \ -b 'BGCOLOR="black" VLINK="#00FFFF" TEXT="#D8D8BF" LINK="yellow"' \ > /home/www/moncf.html If your config file is not in m4: cf2html -f /etc/mon.cf > /home/www/moncf.html Please see the script for more documentation and usage details. mon is available from: http://www.kernel.org/software/mon/ cf2html should be available from: http://www.nam-shub.com/files/ Andrew Ryan - 2001-01-19