Subject: tcpch.monitor - tcp ports with rudimentary chat To: Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 01:34:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Ed Ravin Attached is tcpch.monitor, which is like the regular tcp.monitor included with mon except that it has some rudimentary "chat script" abilities. The code is rather rough since this is the first cut, but it seems to work so I thought I would pass it around. This monitor can be used to test arbitrary TCP services, though it daemons that communicate in ASCII. You can supply a "send string", data that gets sent as soon as the socket is open, a regexp to parse for the response from the server, and a "quit string" that gets sent before closing the socket (so to avoid error messages from some daemons that are fussy). # Options are # -p # -t (default 15) # -s # -e # -q # -d # without /-s/-e/-q/, just checks that the socket can be opened # and closed. # smtp: tcpch.monitor -p 25 -e '^220\b' -q 'QUIT\r\n' # web: tcpch.monitor -p 80 -s 'GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n' -e '^HTTP.*200 OK' Known bugs: -t timeout actually specifies all timeouts, not just connect.