To: Subject: New Monitor: icecast.monitor Hi.. Thanks, Jim, for your work on mon.. it's saved us so much headache... well, and caused a bit, too, but thankfully so.. :) Anyway, here's a new little monitor. It's for Icecast servers. Icecast is a server for streaming MP3 music out and the latest release due out any day also streams the new Ogg Vorbis format. Info at . I guess this mon might be a little strange in that you can specify things in your mon.conf hostgroup line *after* each hostname that will cause the monitor to act. You can just put in a hostname, and it'll check to make sure the Icecast server is responding. You can optionally put a ':' after the hostname, and then a comma-separated list of Icecast mountpoints that will be checked for. Every once in a while a given stream dies for any number of reasons, and needs to be restarted. The monitor will report back any fallen mountpoints along with the hostname (format: hostname:mountpoint ) or just *hostname if the whole server is not responding. The source is included inline. Commentary appreciated! Mark -- Mark Rushing