89eed1ab1161 ("rust: upgrade to Rust 1.71.1") b3d8aa84bbfe ("rust: allocator: Prevent mis-aligned allocation") 3ed03f4da06e ("rust: upgrade to Rust 1.68.2") 4e1746656839 ("rust: uapi: Add UAPI crate") 6841d45a3030 ("rust: init: add `stack_pin_init!` macro") 92c4a1e7e81c ("rust: init/sync: add `InPlaceInit` trait to pin-initialize smart pointers") fc6c6baa1f40 ("rust: init: add initialization macros") 90e53c5e70a6 ("rust: add pin-init API core") d6dbca359220 ("rust: sync: change error type of constructor functions") 70a21e54a422 ("rust: macros: add `quote!` macro") 2d19d369c0c6 ("rust: enable the `pin_macro` feature") 318c3cc8e107 ("rust: alloc: vec: Add some try_* methods we need") ae12ae137270 ("rust: Import upstream `alloc::vec::spec_extend` module") 65b571afdfdc ("rust: Import upstream `alloc::vec::set_len_on_drop` module") 3c01a424a37f ("rust: Enable the new_uninit feature for kernel and driver crates") 00140a830836 ("rust: sync: impl {Debug,Display} for {Unique,}Arc") 0c7ae4325761 ("rust: types: implement `ForeignOwnable` for `Arc`") 0fc4424d24a2 ("rust: types: introduce `ForeignOwnable`") 4d4692a2ff83 ("rust: types: introduce `ScopeGuard`") 0748424aba89 ("rust: sync: add support for dispatching on Arc and ArcBorrow.")