608230e7337c ("staging: r8188eu: remove the sreset_priv structure") 562f1bf39ad7 ("staging: r8188eu: remove last_tx_complete_time") 4d911d4ea49d ("staging: r8188eu: silentreset_mutex is unused") 8590f5db39e3 ("staging: r8188eu: wifi_error_status is write-only") dae4c880a8de ("staging: r8188eu: silent_reset_inprogress is never read") 6ba3047d493f ("staging: r8188eu: Makefile: use one file list") 811245c4617d ("staging: r8188eu: Makefile: don't overwrite global settings") 02be9e82253d ("staging: r8188eu: Makefile: remove unused driver config") 7ddd55135114 ("staging: r8188eu: remove BT_COEXIST settings from Makefile") 2fd96ac5592a ("staging: r8188eu: remove procfs functions") 25c1c7c25a7e ("staging: r8188eu: remove unused defines from rtw_sreset.h") 4b58efe2539a ("staging: r8188eu: remove rtl8188e_silentreset_for_specific_platform()") 46f0b1ad5be8 ("staging: r8188eu: call new usb_write() from rtw_write{8,16,32,N}()") 27ed9834bc66 ("staging: r8188eu: call new usb_read() from rtw_read{8,16,32}()") a6db0cd3d414 ("staging: r8188eu: Remove a test from usbctrl_vendorreq()") 6386030e10df ("staging: r8188eu: remove a bitwise AND from rtw_writeN()") b9950e7b826a ("staging: r8188eu: remove a buffer from rtw_writeN()") 7dc3f33ccbf8 ("staging: r8188eu: remove casts from rtw_{read,write}*()") 4689bdfa07fa ("staging: r8188eu: rename symbols in rtw_read*() and rtw_write*()") ce86bf9dabc2 ("staging: r8188eu: remove a comment from usbctrl_vendorreq()")