e665487795a6 ("staging: r8188eu: remove HW_VAR_AMPDU_MIN_SPACE from SetHwReg8188EU()") 03ab00243006 ("staging: r8188eu: remove HW_VAR_ACM_CTRL from SetHwReg8188EU()") c427ab4688bf ("staging: r8188eu: rename some macros to upper case") db67ebf6b49c ("staging: r8188eu: remove DBG_88E calls from hal subdir") 39c2b864780e ("staging: r8188eu: remove HW_VAR_AC_PARAM_BK") f1c140b62f13 ("staging: r8188eu: rename fw related functions to avoid camel case") 6da97125036f ("staging: r8188eu: remove rtl8188e_InitializeFirmwareVars()") 27aad6cef4b5 ("staging: r8188eu: make BW20_24G_Diff a 1-D array") 2c02b728b648 ("staging: r8188eu: make OFDM_24G_Diff a 1-D array") 41b7c4edff83 ("staging: r8188eu: BW40_24G_Diff is set but not used") ef2efa86392a ("staging: r8188eu: CCK_24G_Diff is set but not used") eeb35e4a2742 ("staging: r8188eu: make Index24G_BW40_Base a 1-D array") e9a14094c724 ("staging: r8188eu: make Index24G_CCK_Base a 1-D array") d1dfe7fb1159 ("staging: r8188eu: rfPath is always 0") 6a0d9b79bff6 ("staging: r8188eu: remove unneeded parameter from rtl8188e_SetHalODMVar") f606b319ef4d ("staging: r8188eu: remove unused fields from struct hal_data_8188e") cfd060fe2edb ("staging: r8188eu: bAPKThermalMeterIgnore is set but never used") a056e41a0928 ("staging: r8188eu: bTXPowerDataReadFromEEPORM is set but never used") ffcdb1b194ec ("staging: r8188eu: UsbRxHighSpeedMode is set but never used") 7cd8b6158d4f ("staging: r8188: remove interface mask from power transitions")