b66fbc855ee5 ("staging: r8188eu: move linked status check from hal to rtw_mlme_ext") 22f92b77479a ("staging: r8188eu: move xmit status check from hal to rtw_cmd") d904512db6f3 ("staging: r8188eu: convert type of HalData in struct adapter") 7e90e57307df ("staging: r8188eu: remove write support from rtl8188e_EfusePowerSwitch") 46cf602a6520 ("staging: r8188eu: core: remove unused variable sz") 608230e7337c ("staging: r8188eu: remove the sreset_priv structure") 562f1bf39ad7 ("staging: r8188eu: remove last_tx_complete_time") 4d911d4ea49d ("staging: r8188eu: silentreset_mutex is unused") 8590f5db39e3 ("staging: r8188eu: wifi_error_status is write-only") dae4c880a8de ("staging: r8188eu: silent_reset_inprogress is never read") 4df5190976ba ("staging: r8188eu: remove unused dm_priv components") a35ff2f48887 ("staging: r8188eu: remove duplicate structure") 6ba3047d493f ("staging: r8188eu: Makefile: use one file list") 811245c4617d ("staging: r8188eu: Makefile: don't overwrite global settings") 02be9e82253d ("staging: r8188eu: Makefile: remove unused driver config") 7ddd55135114 ("staging: r8188eu: remove BT_COEXIST settings from Makefile") 2fd96ac5592a ("staging: r8188eu: remove procfs functions") 97045088d846 ("staging: r8188eu: simplify rtl8188e_HalDmWatchDog") bb88fab13d36 ("staging: r8188eu: remove dm_CheckStatistics") 4b2540a58784 ("staging: r8188eu: remove unused macros and defines from rtl8188e_hal.h")