a37068715956 ("staging: r8188eu: convert rtw_setdatarate_cmd to correct error semantics") 4b66ec6961f1 ("staging: r8188eu: Add space between function & macro parameters") cbdeb787905d ("staging: r8188eu: remove channel parameters from rtw_sitesurvey_cmd") e3748816b74e ("staging: r8188eu: place constants in right side in a comparison") 808d5dbeec78 ("staging: r8188eu: use sizeof(*pvar) for allocating structs") 34b19431d968 ("staging: r8188eu: format block comments") 1663e5f86355 ("staging: r8188eu: remove smaller sets of converted DBG_88E calls") 83e5f11b8f23 ("staging: r8188eu: remove ishighspeed from dvobj_priv") bfa4b4e6912f ("staging: r8188eu: remove UsbBulkOutSize from struct hal_data_8188e") 7ef976e0dc59 ("staging: r8188eu: remove UsbRxAggPage* from struct hal_data_8188e") eb5e767e568f ("staging: r8188eu: remove UsbRxAggBlock* from struct hal_data_8188e") 0646c218554f ("staging: r8188eu: remove UsbRxAggMode from struct hal_data_8188e") 0da702745514 ("staging: r8188eu: remove UsbTxAggMode from struct hal_data_8188e") b57774ccf573 ("staging: r8188eu: remove UsbTxAggDescNum from struct hal_data_8188e") 9224cda4afc4 ("staging: r8188eu: remove rtw_list_delete wrapper") c4b548f94abc ("staging: r8188eu: convert DBG_88E calls in core/rtw_sta_mgt.c") 60a43cf1fa3e ("staging: r8188eu: convert DBG_88E calls in core/rtw_ioctl_set.c") f6cb2f7c1311 ("staging: r8188eu: convert DBG_88E calls in core/rtw_mlme.c") aae91d7b8e97 ("staging: r8188eu: convert DBG_88E calls in core/rtw_iol.c") 38c75bb1dfcb ("staging: r8188eu: convert DBG_88E calls in core/rtw_xmit.c")