490ddccb84fe ("drm/amd/display: Wrong index type for pipe iterator") 2da3556c8650 ("drm/amd/display: Trigger DIO FIFO resync on commit streams for DCN32") 3e8d74cb128f ("drm/amd/display: Trigger DIO FIFO resync on commit streams") a2a0bdf1989c ("drm/amd/display: add dscclk instance offset check") bf224e00a9f5 ("drm/amd/display: Fix 4to1 MPC black screen with DPP RCO") 74fa4c81aadf ("drm/amd/display: Implement workaround for writing to OTG_PIXEL_RATE_DIV register") 3b214bb7185d ("drm/amd/display: fix k1 k2 divider programming for phantom streams") e383b12709e3 ("drm/amd/display: Move DCN314 DOMAIN power control to DMCUB") 368307cef69c ("drm/amd/display: Include virtual signal to set k1 and k2 values") cc8dee689a6b ("drm/amd/display: Avoid unnecessary pixel rate divider programming") 202c1e3dbc88 ("drm/amd/display: Avoid avoid unnecessary pixel rate divider programming") 8434f8180216 ("drm/amd/display: update dccg based on HW delta") 82bf0f18ce99 ("drm/amd/display: Only consider pixle rate div policy for DCN32+") 4bfd688e6508 ("drm/amd/display: Revert "program k1/k2 divider for virtual signal for DCN32"") e6cf22ef5fae ("drm/amd/display: program k1/k2 divider for virtual signal for DCN32") f7fbcf4637fe ("drm/amd/display: change to runtime initialization for reg offsets for DCN32") 9bd110ab06e9 ("drm/amd/display: Fix TMDS 4K@60Hz YCbCr420 corruption issue") 89390c4982b7 ("drm/amd/display: Use pixels per container logic for DCN314 DCCG dividers") b5e924bd7cce ("drm/amd/display: Add missing AUDIO_DTO_SEL reg field") cb849b4dc73d ("drm/amd/display: Add pixel rate div calcs and programming")