Tests with consistent results are provided in the selftest folder. Since many people develop testing infrastructure around xfstests, these tests are helpful to confirm the testing setup is working as expected. The provided tests include: selftest/001 - pass selftest/002 - fail from output mismatch selftest/003 - fail via _fail selftest/004 - skip selftest/005 - crash selftest/006 - hang Two groups are used for these tests: selftest and dangerous_selftest. selftest/00[1-4] are in the selftest group and selftest/00[5-6] are in the dangerous_selftest group. The selftest will only be run if explicitly speficied. To run the selftest, you can specify individual tests, e.g. # ./check selftest/001 or use the groups under selftest/, e.g. # ./check -g selftest/selftest # ./check -g selftest/dangerous_selftest Note, you cannot use the group names without including the folder name (ie. "-g selftest").