##/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Copyright (c) 2007 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Core of filestreams tests. _check_filestreams_support() { [ -f /proc/sys/fs/xfs/filestream_centisecs ] } _set_stream_timeout_centisecs() { echo $1 > /proc/sys/fs/xfs/filestream_centisecs } _do_stream() { local directory_name=$1 local files=$2 local file_size=$3 local bsize=$4 local iflag=$5 local dio=$6 local blocks_in_file=`expr $file_size / $bsize` mkdir $directory_name if [ "$iflag" = "1" ]; then $XFS_IO_PROG -x -c "chattr +S" $directory_name \ || _fail "chattr of filestream flag" fi cd $directory_name local dd_cmd="dd" [ "$dio" = "1" ] && dd_cmd="$dd_cmd oflag=direct" dd_cmd="$dd_cmd if=/dev/zero bs=${bsize} count=${blocks_in_file}" local i=1 while [ $i -le $files ]; do $dd_cmd of=frame-${i} 2>&1 | grep -v records | grep -v secs i=`expr $i + 1` done } _filter_agno() { # the ag number is in column 4 of xfs_bmap output perl -ne ' $ag = (split /\s+/)[4] ; if ($ag =~ /\d+/) {print "$ag "} ; ' } _get_stream_ags() { local directory_name=$1 local stream_ags=`xfs_bmap -vp ${directory_name}/* | _filter_agno` echo $stream_ags } _check_for_dupes() { # check for duplicate numbers between two space seperated vars local num_str_one=$1 local num_str_two=$2 local this_num_one local this_num_two for this_num_one in $num_str_one; do for this_num_two in $num_str_two; do if [ "$this_num_one" == "$this_num_two" ]; then echo "duplicate AG $this_num_one found" \ >> $seqres.full return 1 fi done done return 0 } _test_streams() { echo "# testing $* ...." | tee -a $seqres.full local agcount="$1" local agsize="$2" # in MB local stream_count="$3" local stream_files="$4" local stream_file_size=`expr $5 \* 1024 \* 1024` local use_iflag="$6" local use_directio="$7" local expected_result="$8" # "fail" if failure is expected # Disable the scratch rt device to avoid test failures relating to the # rt bitmap consuming free space in our small data device and throwing # off the filestreams allocator. unset SCRATCH_RTDEV local size=`expr $agsize \* 1024 \* 1024 \* $agcount` _scratch_mkfs_xfs -dsize=$size,agcount=$agcount >/dev/null 2>&1 \ || _fail "mkfs failed" if [ "$use_iflag" = "0" ]; then # mount using filestreams mount option _try_scratch_mount "-o filestreams" \ || _fail "filestreams mount failed" else # test will set inode flag _scratch_mount fi cd $SCRATCH_MNT # start $stream_count streams # each stream writes ($stream_files x $stream_file_size)M echo "# streaming" local stream_pids="" local stream_index=1 while [ $stream_index -le $stream_count ]; do _do_stream stream${stream_index}-dir $stream_files \ $stream_file_size 1048576 $use_iflag $use_directio & stream_pids="$stream_pids $!" stream_index=`expr $stream_index + 1` done # wait for streams to finish # XXX wait here not needed? -dgc wait $stream_pids # sync the buffered streams out in parallel # _get_stream_ags does a xfs_bmap which syncs delayed allocations echo "# sync AGs..." local ag_sync_pids="" stream_index=1 while [ $stream_index -le $stream_count ]; do _get_stream_ags stream${stream_index}-dir > /dev/null 2>&1 & ag_sync_pids="$ag_sync_pids $!" stream_index=`expr $stream_index + 1` done # wait for syncs to finish wait $ag_sync_pids # confirm streams are in seperate AGs echo "# checking stream AGs..." local this_stream_ags="" local ags_seen="" local num_streams_with_matching_ags=0 stream_index=1 while [ $stream_index -le $stream_count ]; do this_stream_ags=`_get_stream_ags stream${stream_index}-dir` echo "stream $stream_index AGs: $this_stream_ags" >> $seqres.full _check_for_dupes "$ags_seen" "$this_stream_ags" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # this stream is not in seperate AGs to previous streams num_streams_with_matching_ags=`expr $num_streams_with_matching_ags + 1` fi ags_seen="$ags_seen $this_stream_ags" stream_index=`expr $stream_index + 1` done _cleanup_streams_umount if [ "$expected_result" != "fail" ]; then if [ $num_streams_with_matching_ags -eq 0 ]; then # all streams in seperate AGs, as expected echo "+ passed, streams are in seperate AGs" else # streams with matching AGs, should be seperate _fail "- failed, $num_streams_with_matching_ags streams with matching AGs" fi else # expecting streams to have overlapped if [ $num_streams_with_matching_ags -eq 0 ]; then # all streams in seperate AGs, should have overlapped _fail "- streams are in seperate AGs, expected _matching_" else # streams with matching AGs, as expected echo "+ expected failure, matching AGs" fi fi return 0 } _cleanup_streams_umount() { cd / rm -rf ${SCRATCH_MNT}/stream* _scratch_unmount 2>/dev/null }