# xfstests-bld The xfstests-bld project was originally designed as system to make it easy to build [xfstests](Documentation/what-is-xfstests.md) in way that isolated it from the versions of various libraries such as libaio, xfsprogs, that were available in a particular distribution. It has since evolved to have four primary functions: * [Building xfstests](Documentation/building-xfstests.md) to create a tar.gz file * Running xfstests in a virtual machine using qemu/kvm ([kvm-xfstests](Documentation/kvm-xfstests.md)) * Running xfstests using Google Compute Engine ([gce-xfstests](Documentation/gce-xfstests.md)) * Running xfstests on an Android device in a chroot ([android-xfstests](Documentation/android-xfstests.md)) More details about how to use xfstests-bld to carry out these three functions can be found in the [Documentation directory](Documentation/00-index.md). If you are first getting started using xfstests, you should probably read the [Quickstart guide](Documentation/kvm-quickstart.md) first. If you don't know much about xfstests, you may also want to read this [introduction to xfstests](Documentation/what-is-xfstests.md). ## License The xfstests-bld project has been made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. A copy can be found in the file named [COPYING](COPYING) in the distribution.