/* * UHCI-specific debugging code. Invaluable when something * goes wrong, but don't get in my face. * * Kernel visible pointers are surrounded in []'s and bus * visible pointers are surrounded in ()'s * * (C) Copyright 1999 Linus Torvalds * (C) Copyright 1999-2001 Johannes Erdfelt */ #include #include #include #include #include "uhci.h" /* Handle REALLY large printk's so we don't overflow buffers */ static void inline lprintk(char *buf) { char *p; /* Just write one line at a time */ while (buf) { p = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (p) *p = 0; printk("%s\n", buf); buf = p; if (buf) buf++; } } static int inline uhci_is_skeleton_td(struct uhci *uhci, struct uhci_td *td) { int i; for (i = 0; i < UHCI_NUM_SKELTD; i++) if (td == uhci->skeltd[i]) return 1; return 0; } static int inline uhci_is_skeleton_qh(struct uhci *uhci, struct uhci_qh *qh) { int i; for (i = 0; i < UHCI_NUM_SKELQH; i++) if (qh == uhci->skelqh[i]) return 1; return 0; } static int uhci_show_td(struct uhci_td *td, char *buf, int len, int space) { char *out = buf; char *spid; /* Try to make sure there's enough memory */ if (len < 160) return 0; out += sprintf(out, "%*s[%p] link (%08x) ", space, "", td, td->link); out += sprintf(out, "e%d %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sLength=%x ", ((td->status >> 27) & 3), (td->status & TD_CTRL_SPD) ? "SPD " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_LS) ? "LS " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_IOC) ? "IOC " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_ACTIVE) ? "Active " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_STALLED) ? "Stalled " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_DBUFERR) ? "DataBufErr " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_BABBLE) ? "Babble " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_NAK) ? "NAK " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_CRCTIMEO) ? "CRC/Timeo " : "", (td->status & TD_CTRL_BITSTUFF) ? "BitStuff " : "", td->status & 0x7ff); switch (td->info & 0xff) { case USB_PID_SETUP: spid = "SETUP"; break; case USB_PID_OUT: spid = "OUT"; break; case USB_PID_IN: spid = "IN"; break; default: spid = "?"; break; } out += sprintf(out, "MaxLen=%x DT%d EndPt=%x Dev=%x, PID=%x(%s) ", td->info >> 21, ((td->info >> 19) & 1), (td->info >> 15) & 15, (td->info >> 8) & 127, (td->info & 0xff), spid); out += sprintf(out, "(buf=%08x)\n", td->buffer); return out - buf; } static int uhci_show_sc(int port, unsigned short status, char *buf, int len) { char *out = buf; /* Try to make sure there's enough memory */ if (len < 80) return 0; out += sprintf(out, " stat%d = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", port, status, (status & USBPORTSC_SUSP) ? "PortSuspend " : "", (status & USBPORTSC_PR) ? "PortReset " : "", (status & USBPORTSC_LSDA) ? "LowSpeed " : "", (status & USBPORTSC_RD) ? "ResumeDetect " : "", (status & USBPORTSC_PEC) ? "EnableChange " : "", (status & USBPORTSC_PE) ? "PortEnabled " : "", (status & USBPORTSC_CSC) ? "ConnectChange " : "", (status & USBPORTSC_CCS) ? "PortConnected " : ""); return out - buf; } static int uhci_show_status(struct uhci *uhci, char *buf, int len) { char *out = buf; unsigned int io_addr = uhci->io_addr; unsigned short usbcmd, usbstat, usbint, usbfrnum; unsigned int flbaseadd; unsigned char sof; unsigned short portsc1, portsc2; /* Try to make sure there's enough memory */ if (len < 80 * 6) return 0; usbcmd = inw(io_addr + 0); usbstat = inw(io_addr + 2); usbint = inw(io_addr + 4); usbfrnum = inw(io_addr + 6); flbaseadd = inl(io_addr + 8); sof = inb(io_addr + 12); portsc1 = inw(io_addr + 16); portsc2 = inw(io_addr + 18); out += sprintf(out, " usbcmd = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", usbcmd, (usbcmd & USBCMD_MAXP) ? "Maxp64 " : "Maxp32 ", (usbcmd & USBCMD_CF) ? "CF " : "", (usbcmd & USBCMD_SWDBG) ? "SWDBG " : "", (usbcmd & USBCMD_FGR) ? "FGR " : "", (usbcmd & USBCMD_EGSM) ? "EGSM " : "", (usbcmd & USBCMD_GRESET) ? "GRESET " : "", (usbcmd & USBCMD_HCRESET) ? "HCRESET " : "", (usbcmd & USBCMD_RS) ? "RS " : ""); out += sprintf(out, " usbstat = %04x %s%s%s%s%s%s\n", usbstat, (usbstat & USBSTS_HCH) ? "HCHalted " : "", (usbstat & USBSTS_HCPE) ? "HostControllerProcessError " : "", (usbstat & USBSTS_HSE) ? "HostSystemError " : "", (usbstat & USBSTS_RD) ? "ResumeDetect " : "", (usbstat & USBSTS_ERROR) ? "USBError " : "", (usbstat & USBSTS_USBINT) ? "USBINT " : ""); out += sprintf(out, " usbint = %04x\n", usbint); out += sprintf(out, " usbfrnum = (%d)%03x\n", (usbfrnum >> 10) & 1, 0xfff & (4*(unsigned int)usbfrnum)); out += sprintf(out, " flbaseadd = %08x\n", flbaseadd); out += sprintf(out, " sof = %02x\n", sof); out += uhci_show_sc(1, portsc1, out, len - (out - buf)); out += uhci_show_sc(2, portsc2, out, len - (out - buf)); return out - buf; } static int uhci_show_qh(struct uhci_qh *qh, char *buf, int len, int space) { char *out = buf; struct urb_priv *urbp; struct list_head *head, *tmp; struct uhci_td *td; int i = 0, checked = 0, prevactive = 0; /* Try to make sure there's enough memory */ if (len < 80 * 6) return 0; out += sprintf(out, "%*s[%p] link (%08x) element (%08x)\n", space, "", qh, qh->link, qh->element); if (qh->element & UHCI_PTR_QH) out += sprintf(out, "%*s Element points to QH (bug?)\n", space, ""); if (qh->element & UHCI_PTR_DEPTH) out += sprintf(out, "%*s Depth traverse\n", space, ""); if (qh->element & 8) out += sprintf(out, "%*s Bit 3 set (bug?)\n", space, ""); if (!(qh->element & ~(UHCI_PTR_QH | UHCI_PTR_DEPTH))) out += sprintf(out, "%*s Element is NULL (bug?)\n", space, ""); if (!qh->urbp) { out += sprintf(out, "%*s urbp == NULL\n", space, ""); goto out; } urbp = qh->urbp; head = &urbp->td_list; tmp = head->next; td = list_entry(tmp, struct uhci_td, list); if (td->dma_handle != (qh->element & ~UHCI_PTR_BITS)) out += sprintf(out, "%*s Element != First TD\n", space, ""); while (tmp != head) { struct uhci_td *td = list_entry(tmp, struct uhci_td, list); tmp = tmp->next; out += sprintf(out, "%*s%d: ", space + 2, "", i++); out += uhci_show_td(td, out, len - (out - buf), 0); if (i > 10 && !checked && prevactive && tmp != head && debug <= 2) { struct list_head *ntmp = tmp; struct uhci_td *ntd = td; int active = 1, ni = i; checked = 1; while (ntmp != head && ntmp->next != head && active) { ntd = list_entry(ntmp, struct uhci_td, list); ntmp = ntmp->next; active = ntd->status & TD_CTRL_ACTIVE; ni++; } if (active && ni > i) { out += sprintf(out, "%*s[skipped %d active TD's]\n", space, "", ni - i); tmp = ntmp; td = ntd; i = ni; } } prevactive = td->status & TD_CTRL_ACTIVE; } if (list_empty(&urbp->queue_list) || urbp->queued) goto out; out += sprintf(out, "%*sQueued QH's:\n", -space, "--"); head = &urbp->queue_list; tmp = head->next; while (tmp != head) { struct urb_priv *nurbp = list_entry(tmp, struct urb_priv, queue_list); tmp = tmp->next; out += uhci_show_qh(nurbp->qh, out, len - (out - buf), space); } out: return out - buf; } static const char *td_names[] = {"skel_int1_td", "skel_int2_td", "skel_int4_td", "skel_int8_td", "skel_int16_td", "skel_int32_td", "skel_int64_td", "skel_int128_td", "skel_int256_td", "skel_term_td" }; static const char *qh_names[] = { "skel_ls_control_qh", "skel_hs_control_qh", "skel_bulk_qh", "skel_term_qh" }; #define show_frame_num() \ if (!shown) { \ shown = 1; \ out += sprintf(out, "- Frame %d\n", i); \ } #define show_td_name() \ if (!shown) { \ shown = 1; \ out += sprintf(out, "- %s\n", td_names[i]); \ } #define show_qh_name() \ if (!shown) { \ shown = 1; \ out += sprintf(out, "- %s\n", qh_names[i]); \ } static int uhci_sprint_schedule(struct uhci *uhci, char *buf, int len) { char *out = buf; int i; struct uhci_qh *qh; struct uhci_td *td; struct list_head *tmp, *head; out += sprintf(out, "HC status\n"); out += uhci_show_status(uhci, out, len - (out - buf)); out += sprintf(out, "Frame List\n"); for (i = 0; i < UHCI_NUMFRAMES; ++i) { int shown = 0; td = uhci->fl->frame_cpu[i]; if (!td) continue; if (td->dma_handle != (dma_addr_t)uhci->fl->frame[i]) { show_frame_num(); out += sprintf(out, " frame list does not match td->dma_handle!\n"); } if (uhci_is_skeleton_td(uhci, td)) continue; show_frame_num(); head = &td->fl_list; tmp = head; do { td = list_entry(tmp, struct uhci_td, fl_list); tmp = tmp->next; out += uhci_show_td(td, out, len - (out - buf), 4); } while (tmp != head); } out += sprintf(out, "Skeleton TD's\n"); for (i = UHCI_NUM_SKELTD - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int shown = 0; td = uhci->skeltd[i]; if (debug > 1) { show_td_name(); out += uhci_show_td(td, out, len - (out - buf), 4); } if (list_empty(&td->fl_list)) { /* TD 0 is the int1 TD and links to control_ls_qh */ if (!i) { if (td->link != (uhci->skel_ls_control_qh->dma_handle | UHCI_PTR_QH)) { show_td_name(); out += sprintf(out, " skeleton TD not linked to ls_control QH!\n"); } } else if (i < 9) { if (td->link != uhci->skeltd[i - 1]->dma_handle) { show_td_name(); out += sprintf(out, " skeleton TD not linked to next skeleton TD!\n"); } } else { show_td_name(); if (td->link != td->dma_handle) out += sprintf(out, " skel_term_td does not link to self\n"); /* Don't show it twice */ if (debug <= 1) out += uhci_show_td(td, out, len - (out - buf), 4); } continue; } show_td_name(); head = &td->fl_list; tmp = head->next; while (tmp != head) { td = list_entry(tmp, struct uhci_td, fl_list); tmp = tmp->next; out += uhci_show_td(td, out, len - (out - buf), 4); } if (!i) { if (td->link != (uhci->skel_ls_control_qh->dma_handle | UHCI_PTR_QH)) out += sprintf(out, " last TD not linked to ls_control QH!\n"); } else if (i < 9) { if (td->link != uhci->skeltd[i - 1]->dma_handle) out += sprintf(out, " last TD not linked to next skeleton!\n"); } } out += sprintf(out, "Skeleton QH's\n"); for (i = 0; i < UHCI_NUM_SKELQH; ++i) { int shown = 0; qh = uhci->skelqh[i]; if (debug > 1) { show_qh_name(); out += uhci_show_qh(qh, out, len - (out - buf), 4); } /* QH 3 is the Terminating QH, it's different */ if (i == 3) { if (qh->link != UHCI_PTR_TERM) { show_qh_name(); out += sprintf(out, " bandwidth reclamation on!\n"); } if (qh->element != uhci->skel_term_td->dma_handle) { show_qh_name(); out += sprintf(out, " skel_term_qh element is not set to skel_term_td\n"); } } if (list_empty(&qh->list)) { if (i < 3) { if (qh->link != (uhci->skelqh[i + 1]->dma_handle | UHCI_PTR_QH)) { show_qh_name(); out += sprintf(out, " skeleton QH not linked to next skeleton QH!\n"); } } continue; } show_qh_name(); head = &qh->list; tmp = head->next; while (tmp != head) { qh = list_entry(tmp, struct uhci_qh, list); tmp = tmp->next; out += uhci_show_qh(qh, out, len - (out - buf), 4); } if (i < 3) { if (qh->link != (uhci->skelqh[i + 1]->dma_handle | UHCI_PTR_QH)) out += sprintf(out, " last QH not linked to next skeleton!\n"); } } return out - buf; } #ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS #define MAX_OUTPUT (PAGE_SIZE * 8) static struct proc_dir_entry *uhci_proc_root = NULL; struct uhci_proc { int size; char *data; struct uhci *uhci; }; static int uhci_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { const struct proc_dir_entry *dp = inode->u.generic_ip; struct uhci *uhci = dp->data; struct uhci_proc *up; unsigned long flags; int ret = -ENOMEM; lock_kernel(); up = kmalloc(sizeof(*up), GFP_KERNEL); if (!up) goto out; up->data = kmalloc(MAX_OUTPUT, GFP_KERNEL); if (!up->data) { kfree(up); goto out; } spin_lock_irqsave(&uhci->frame_list_lock, flags); up->size = uhci_sprint_schedule(uhci, up->data, MAX_OUTPUT); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&uhci->frame_list_lock, flags); file->private_data = up; ret = 0; out: unlock_kernel(); return ret; } static loff_t uhci_proc_lseek(struct file *file, loff_t off, int whence) { struct uhci_proc *up = file->private_data; loff_t new; switch (whence) { case 0: new = off; break; case 1: new = file->f_pos + off; break; case 2: default: return -EINVAL; } if (new < 0 || new > up->size) return -EINVAL; return (file->f_pos = new); } static ssize_t uhci_proc_read(struct file *file, char *buf, size_t nbytes, loff_t *ppos) { struct uhci_proc *up = file->private_data; unsigned int pos; unsigned int size; pos = *ppos; size = up->size; if (pos >= size) return 0; if (nbytes >= size) nbytes = size; if (pos + nbytes > size) nbytes = size - pos; if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, buf, nbytes)) return -EINVAL; copy_to_user(buf, up->data + pos, nbytes); *ppos += nbytes; return nbytes; } static int uhci_proc_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { struct uhci_proc *up = file->private_data; kfree(up->data); kfree(up); return 0; } static struct file_operations uhci_proc_operations = { open: uhci_proc_open, llseek: uhci_proc_lseek, read: uhci_proc_read, // write: uhci_proc_write, release: uhci_proc_release, }; #endif