H45532 s 00030/00000/00000 d D 1.1 02/03/13 22:41:30 patch 2 1 cC cF1 cK12944 cO-rw-rw-r-- e s 00000/00000/00000 d D 1.0 02/03/13 22:41:30 patch 1 0 c BitKeeper file /home/marcelo/bk/linux-2.4/Documentation/usb/auerswald.txt cBtorvalds@athlon.transmeta.com|ChangeSet|20020205173056|16047|c1d11a41ed024864 cHplucky.distro.conectiva cK38047 cPDocumentation/usb/auerswald.txt cR34c555989dbeaed1 cV4 cX0x821 cZ-03:00 e u U f e 0 f x 0x821 t T I 2 Auerswald USB kernel driver =========================== What is it? What can I do with it? ================================== The auerswald USB kernel driver connects your linux 2.4.x system to the auerswald usb-enabled devices. There are two types of auerswald usb devices: a) small PBX systems (ISDN) b) COMfort system telephones (ISDN) The driver installation creates the devices /dev/usb/auer0..15. These devices carry a vendor- specific protocol. You may run all auerswald java software on it. The java software needs a native library "libAuerUsbJNINative.so" installed on your system. This library is available from auerswald and shipped as part of the java software. You may create the devices with: mknod -m 666 /dev/usb/auer0 c 180 112 ... mknod -m 666 /dev/usb/auer15 c 180 127 Future plans ============ - Connection to ISDN4LINUX (the hisax interface) The maintainer of this driver is wmues@nexgo.de E 2 I 1 E 1