Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 00_block-highmem-all-18b-2.bz2 Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 00_block-highmem-all-18b.bz2 Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 00_flush_icache_range-1 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 00_flush_icache_range-2 Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 00_silent-stack-overflow-12 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 00_silent-stack-overflow-13 Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 00_spinlock-cacheline-2 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 00_spinlock-cacheline-3 Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 10_numa-sched-14 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 10_numa-sched-15 Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 60_atomic-alloc-6 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 60_atomic-alloc-7 Rediffed. Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 00_rwsem-fair-25-recursive-6 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 00_rwsem-fair-25-recursive-7 Not used actively anymore for the coredump (we walk the pagetables by hand instead of using the MMU now). Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 00_loop-deadlock-1 Fixed loop deadlock (balance_dirty() must not be called within the request_fn or it can deadlock or recurse way too much). It is enough to recall balance_dirty() at the highest layer so this won't introduce any stability problem. Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 00_tcp-conntrack-fin-1 After upgrading my firewall/NAT to 2.4 (s/ipchains/iptables/ :) I started getting valid tcp packets dropped/logged (I'm allowing only RELATED and ESTABLISHED packets from the outside, with ipchains I was allowing all tcp packets that weren't syn and there weren't problems). Rusty sent me the above fix to see if my problem with the tcp connection tracking goes away (without adding again the rule that all non tcp syn can came in). Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 10_vm-19 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 10_vm-20 Should fix the I/O async flushing performance drop reported by Andrew. Cannot += BUF_LOCKED any longer in balance_dirty because we don't waste time any longer refiling clean buffers into the BUF_CLEAN now (sync has to pass all over the bh anyways so it doesn't matter for it either). Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 50_uml-patch-2.4.15-3.bz2 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 50_uml-patch-2.4.16-2.bz2 Latest update from Jeff at Only in 2.4.17pre4aa1: 60_tux-2.4.16-final-C9.bz2 Only in 2.4.17rc1aa1: 60_tux-2.4.16-final-D5.bz2 Latest update from Ingo at