2.4.17-acme4 - revert niemeyer changes to wl3501_cs, so that the driver is working again will work this weekend to merge some of his changes - use structs and not tons of ugly casts for the sock cleanup - per protocol slab caches for IPv6 2.4.17-acme2 - cyclom2x driver cleanups - fix bug in IP6_PINFO, it was using the tcp_opt area for ip6_pinfo. - use local variables instead of IP_SK()->, TCP_PINFO()->, IP_PINFO()-> - s/__constant_htons/htons/ in some places in af_ipx, where htons will in fact turn into a __constant_htons, so no need for the extra complexity. - Use ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR for Token Ring in LLC and NetBEUI - add the wl24xx Planet wireless driver, its completely non-working now - EXPORT_SYMBOL(memscan) on Alpha, already in 2.5 - only declare some irq related variables it RTC_IRQ is defined, caught on alpha - add missing TCP_PINFO and IP6_PINFO in tcp_diag