RTD (Read The Docs) =================== If you would like kernel.org to host documentation for your project, component, or subtree, then the best way to do that is to host it on readthedocs.org with a custom foo.docs.kernel.org subdomain. Hosting on git.kernel.org vs. GitHub/Gitlab ------------------------------------------- Since you probably want to make it easy for someone to contribute drive-by edits, the best option is to host the source of your documentation on GitHub/Gitlab, which would allow people to easily fork and submit pull requests for any doc edits. There is a lot of pre-existing integration between GitHub/Gitlab and RTD, so this is the path of least resistance. You can also request to set up a tree on git.kernel.org under ``pub/scm/docs`` and either push a copy of your commits there, or use it as the master source of your documentation, in which case we will need to manually integrate it with RTD. Requesting a hook integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you do decide to host the master source of your docs on git.kernel.org, then you can request hook integration. Send an email to helpdesk@kernel.org providing all the necessary parameters for the webhook curl call, as described in RTD documentation: * https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/webhooks.html#parameters Requesting a docs.kernel.org subdomain -------------------------------------- Once you have your documentation ready, please send a request to helpdesk@kernel.org, specifying: - the current shared-domain URL of your RTD project - the docs.kernel.org subdomain you would like Once we review the content on the shared-domain site, we will set up the CNAME record for your subdomain and you will then be able to configure it on readthedocs.org.