
blk_rq_map_user_iov — map user data to a request, for passthrough requests


int blk_rq_map_user_iov (struct request_queue * q,
 struct request * rq,
 struct rq_map_data * map_data,
 const struct iov_iter * iter,
 gfp_t gfp_mask);


struct request_queue * q

request queue where request should be inserted

struct request * rq

request to map data to

struct rq_map_data * map_data

pointer to the rq_map_data holding pages (if necessary)

const struct iov_iter * iter

iovec iterator

gfp_t gfp_mask

memory allocation flags


Data will be mapped directly for zero copy I/O, if possible. Otherwise a kernel bounce buffer is used.

A matching blk_rq_unmap_user must be issued at the end of I/O, while still in process context.


The mapped bio may need to be bounced through blk_queue_bounce before being submitted to the device, as pages mapped may be out of reach. It's the callers responsibility to make sure this happens. The original bio must be passed back in to blk_rq_unmap_user for proper unmapping.