sphinx.addnodesdocument)}( rawsourcechildren]( translations LanguagesNode)}(hhh](h pending_xref)}(hhh]docutils.nodesTextChinese (Simplified)}(hhparenthuba attributes}(ids]classes]names]dupnames]backrefs] refdomainstdreftypedoc reftarget5/translations/zh_CN/admin-guide/reporting-regressionsmodnameN classnameN refexplicitutagnamehhh ubh)}(hhh]hChinese (Traditional)}(hhhh2ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&] refdomainh)reftypeh+ reftarget5/translations/zh_TW/admin-guide/reporting-regressionsmodnameN classnameN refexplicituh1hhh ubh)}(hhh]hItalian}(hhhhFubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&] refdomainh)reftypeh+ reftarget5/translations/it_IT/admin-guide/reporting-regressionsmodnameN classnameN refexplicituh1hhh ubh)}(hhh]hJapanese}(hhhhZubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&] refdomainh)reftypeh+ reftarget5/translations/ja_JP/admin-guide/reporting-regressionsmodnameN classnameN refexplicituh1hhh ubh)}(hhh]hKorean}(hhhhnubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&] refdomainh)reftypeh+ reftarget5/translations/ko_KR/admin-guide/reporting-regressionsmodnameN classnameN refexplicituh1hhh ubh)}(hhh]hSpanish}(hhhhubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&] refdomainh)reftypeh+ reftarget5/translations/sp_SP/admin-guide/reporting-regressionsmodnameN classnameN refexplicituh1hhh ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]current_languageEnglishuh1h hh _documenthsourceNlineNubhcomment)}(h0SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR CC-BY-4.0)h]h0SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR CC-BY-4.0)}(hhhhubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&] xml:spacepreserveuh1hhhhhhO/var/lib/git/docbuild/linux/Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-regressions.rsthKubh)}(h<[see the bottom of this file for redistribution information]h]h<[see the bottom of this file for redistribution information]}(hhhhubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1hhhhhhhhKubhsection)}(hhh](htitle)}(hReporting regressionsh]hReporting regressions}(hhhhhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhhhhhKubh paragraph)}(h"*We don't cause regressions*" is the first rule of Linux kernel development; Linux founder and lead developer Linus Torvalds established it himself and ensures it's obeyed.h](h“}(h"hhhhhNhNubhemphasis)}(h*We don't cause regressions*h]hWe don’t cause regressions}(hhhhhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhubh” is the first rule of Linux kernel development; Linux founder and lead developer Linus Torvalds established it himself and ensures it’s obeyed.}(h" is the first rule of Linux kernel development; Linux founder and lead developer Linus Torvalds established it himself and ensures it's obeyed.hhhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhhhhubh)}(hThis document describes what the rule means for users and how the Linux kernel's development model ensures to address all reported regressions; aspects relevant for kernel developers are left to Documentation/process/handling-regressions.rst.h]hThis document describes what the rule means for users and how the Linux kernel’s development model ensures to address all reported regressions; aspects relevant for kernel developers are left to Documentation/process/handling-regressions.rst.}(hhhhhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhK hhhhubh)}(hhh](h)}(h The important bits (aka "TL;DR")h]h$The important bits (aka “TL;DR”)}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhj hhhhhKubhenumerated_list)}(hhh](h list_item)}(hXIt's a regression if something running fine with one Linux kernel works worse or not at all with a newer version. Note, the newer kernel has to be compiled using a similar configuration; the detailed explanations below describes this and other fine print in more detail. h]h)}(hXIt's a regression if something running fine with one Linux kernel works worse or not at all with a newer version. Note, the newer kernel has to be compiled using a similar configuration; the detailed explanations below describes this and other fine print in more detail.h]hXIt’s a regression if something running fine with one Linux kernel works worse or not at all with a newer version. Note, the newer kernel has to be compiled using a similar configuration; the detailed explanations below describes this and other fine print in more detail.}(hj)hj'hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhj#ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hjhhhhhNubj")}(hXuReport your issue as outlined in Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst, it already covers all aspects important for regressions and repeated below for convenience. Two of them are important: start your report's subject with "[REGRESSION]" and CC or forward it to `the regression mailing list `_ (regressions@lists.linux.dev). h]h)}(hXtReport your issue as outlined in Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst, it already covers all aspects important for regressions and repeated below for convenience. Two of them are important: start your report's subject with "[REGRESSION]" and CC or forward it to `the regression mailing list `_ (regressions@lists.linux.dev).h](hXReport your issue as outlined in Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst, it already covers all aspects important for regressions and repeated below for convenience. Two of them are important: start your report’s subject with “[REGRESSION]” and CC or forward it to }(hXReport your issue as outlined in Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst, it already covers all aspects important for regressions and repeated below for convenience. Two of them are important: start your report's subject with "[REGRESSION]" and CC or forward it to hj?hhhNhNubh reference)}(hE`the regression mailing list `_h]hthe regression mailing list}(hthe regression mailing listhjJhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]namethe regression mailing listrefuri$https://lore.kernel.org/regressions/uh1jHhj?ubhtarget)}(h' h]h}(h]the-regression-mailing-listah ]h"]the regression mailing listah$]h&]refurij\uh1j] referencedKhj?ubh (}(h (hj?hhhNhNubjI)}(hregressions@lists.linux.devh]hregressions@lists.linux.dev}(hhhjrhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]refuri"mailto:regressions@lists.linux.devuh1jHhj?ubh).}(h).hj?hhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhj;ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hjhhhhhNubj")}(hOptional, but recommended: when sending or forwarding your report, make the Linux kernel regression tracking bot "regzbot" track the issue by specifying when the regression started like this:: #regzbot introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1 h](h)}(hOptional, but recommended: when sending or forwarding your report, make the Linux kernel regression tracking bot "regzbot" track the issue by specifying when the regression started like this::h]hOptional, but recommended: when sending or forwarding your report, make the Linux kernel regression tracking bot “regzbot” track the issue by specifying when the regression started like this:}(hOptional, but recommended: when sending or forwarding your report, make the Linux kernel regression tracking bot "regzbot" track the issue by specifying when the regression started like this:hjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhjubh literal_block)}(h%#regzbot introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1h]h%#regzbot introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1}(hhhjubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhK"hjubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hjhhhhhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]enumtypearabicprefixhsuffix.uh1jhj hhhhhKubeh}(h]the-important-bits-aka-tl-drah ]h"] the important bits (aka "tl;dr")ah$]h&]uh1hhhhhhhhKubh)}(hhh](h)}(h>All the details on Linux kernel regressions relevant for usersh]h>All the details on Linux kernel regressions relevant for users}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhK&ubh)}(hhh](h)}(hThe important basicsh]hThe important basics}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhK*ubh)}(hhh](h)}(h=What is a "regression" and what is the "no regressions" rule?h]hEWhat is a “regression” and what is the “no regressions” rule?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhK.ubh)}(hXGIt's a regression if some application or practical use case running fine with one Linux kernel works worse or not at all with a newer version compiled using a similar configuration. The "no regressions" rule forbids this to take place; if it happens by accident, developers that caused it are expected to quickly fix the issue.h]hXMIt’s a regression if some application or practical use case running fine with one Linux kernel works worse or not at all with a newer version compiled using a similar configuration. The “no regressions” rule forbids this to take place; if it happens by accident, developers that caused it are expected to quickly fix the issue.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhK0hjhhubh)}(hXjIt thus is a regression when a WiFi driver from Linux 5.13 works fine, but with 5.14 doesn't work at all, works significantly slower, or misbehaves somehow. It's also a regression if a perfectly working application suddenly shows erratic behavior with a newer kernel version; such issues can be caused by changes in procfs, sysfs, or one of the many other interfaces Linux provides to userland software. But keep in mind, as mentioned earlier: 5.14 in this example needs to be built from a configuration similar to the one from 5.13. This can be achieved using ``make olddefconfig``, as explained in more detail below.h](hX5It thus is a regression when a WiFi driver from Linux 5.13 works fine, but with 5.14 doesn’t work at all, works significantly slower, or misbehaves somehow. It’s also a regression if a perfectly working application suddenly shows erratic behavior with a newer kernel version; such issues can be caused by changes in procfs, sysfs, or one of the many other interfaces Linux provides to userland software. But keep in mind, as mentioned earlier: 5.14 in this example needs to be built from a configuration similar to the one from 5.13. This can be achieved using }(hX1It thus is a regression when a WiFi driver from Linux 5.13 works fine, but with 5.14 doesn't work at all, works significantly slower, or misbehaves somehow. It's also a regression if a perfectly working application suddenly shows erratic behavior with a newer kernel version; such issues can be caused by changes in procfs, sysfs, or one of the many other interfaces Linux provides to userland software. But keep in mind, as mentioned earlier: 5.14 in this example needs to be built from a configuration similar to the one from 5.13. This can be achieved using hjhhhNhNubhliteral)}(h``make olddefconfig``h]hmake olddefconfig}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1jhjubh$, as explained in more detail below.}(h$, as explained in more detail below.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhK6hjhhubh)}(hNote the "practical use case" in the first sentence of this section: developers despite the "no regressions" rule are free to change any aspect of the kernel and even APIs or ABIs to userland, as long as no existing application or use case breaks.h]hNote the “practical use case” in the first sentence of this section: developers despite the “no regressions” rule are free to change any aspect of the kernel and even APIs or ABIs to userland, as long as no existing application or use case breaks.}(hj6hj4hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhK?hjhhubh)}(hAlso be aware the "no regressions" rule covers only interfaces the kernel provides to the userland. It thus does not apply to kernel-internal interfaces like the module API, which some externally developed drivers use to hook into the kernel.h]hAlso be aware the “no regressions” rule covers only interfaces the kernel provides to the userland. It thus does not apply to kernel-internal interfaces like the module API, which some externally developed drivers use to hook into the kernel.}(hjDhjBhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKDhjhhubeh}(h]8what-is-a-regression-and-what-is-the-no-regressions-ruleah ]h"]=what is a "regression" and what is the "no regressions" rule?ah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhK.ubh)}(hhh](h)}(hHow do I report a regression?h]hHow do I report a regression?}(hj]hj[hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjXhhhhhKJubh)}(hJust report the issue as outlined in Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst, it already describes the important points. The following aspects outlined there are especially relevant for regressions:h]hJust report the issue as outlined in Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst, it already describes the important points. The following aspects outlined there are especially relevant for regressions:}(hjkhjihhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKLhjXhhubh block_quote)}(hhh](h bullet_list)}(hhh](j")}(hWhen checking for existing reports to join, also search the `archives of the Linux regressions mailing list `_ and `regzbot's web-interface `_. h]h)}(hWhen checking for existing reports to join, also search the `archives of the Linux regressions mailing list `_ and `regzbot's web-interface `_.h](h`_h]h.archives of the Linux regressions mailing list}(h.archives of the Linux regressions mailing listhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]name.archives of the Linux regressions mailing listj[$https://lore.kernel.org/regressions/uh1jHhjubj^)}(h' h]h}(h].archives-of-the-linux-regressions-mailing-listah ]h"].archives of the linux regressions mailing listah$]h&]refurijuh1j]jlKhjubh and }(h and hjhhhNhNubjI)}(hM`regzbot's web-interface `_h]hregzbot’s web-interface}(hregzbot's web-interfacehjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]nameregzbot's web-interfacej[0https://linux-regtracking.leemhuis.info/regzbot/uh1jHhjubj^)}(h3 h]h}(h]regzbot-s-web-interfaceah ]h"]regzbot's web-interfaceah$]h&]refurijuh1j]jlKhjubh.}(hjhjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKQhjubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hj~ubj")}(h1Start your report's subject with "[REGRESSION]". h]h)}(h0Start your report's subject with "[REGRESSION]".h]h6Start your report’s subject with “[REGRESSION]”.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKUhjubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hj~ubj")}(hIn your report, clearly mention the last kernel version that worked fine and the first broken one. Ideally try to find the exact change causing the regression using a bisection, as explained below in more detail. h]h)}(hIn your report, clearly mention the last kernel version that worked fine and the first broken one. Ideally try to find the exact change causing the regression using a bisection, as explained below in more detail.h]hIn your report, clearly mention the last kernel version that worked fine and the first broken one. Ideally try to find the exact change causing the regression using a bisection, as explained below in more detail.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKWhjubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hj~ubj")}(hX/Remember to let the Linux regressions mailing list (regressions@lists.linux.dev) know about your report: * If you report the regression by mail, CC the regressions list. * If you report your regression to some bug tracker, forward the submitted report by mail to the regressions list while CCing the maintainer and the mailing list for the subsystem in question. If it's a regression within a stable or longterm series (e.g. v5.15.3..v5.15.5), remember to CC the `Linux stable mailing list `_ (stable@vger.kernel.org). h](h)}(hhRemember to let the Linux regressions mailing list (regressions@lists.linux.dev) know about your report:h](h4Remember to let the Linux regressions mailing list (}(h4Remember to let the Linux regressions mailing list (hjhhhNhNubjI)}(hregressions@lists.linux.devh]hregressions@lists.linux.dev}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]refuri"mailto:regressions@lists.linux.devuh1jHhjubh) know about your report:}(h) know about your report:hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhK[hjubj})}(hhh](j")}(h?If you report the regression by mail, CC the regressions list. h]h)}(h>If you report the regression by mail, CC the regressions list.h]h>If you report the regression by mail, CC the regressions list.}(hjBhj@hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhK^hj<ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hj9ubj")}(hIf you report your regression to some bug tracker, forward the submitted report by mail to the regressions list while CCing the maintainer and the mailing list for the subsystem in question. h]h)}(hIf you report your regression to some bug tracker, forward the submitted report by mail to the regressions list while CCing the maintainer and the mailing list for the subsystem in question.h]hIf you report your regression to some bug tracker, forward the submitted report by mail to the regressions list while CCing the maintainer and the mailing list for the subsystem in question.}(hjZhjXhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhK`hjTubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hj9ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]bullet*uh1j|hhhK^hjubh)}(hIf it's a regression within a stable or longterm series (e.g. v5.15.3..v5.15.5), remember to CC the `Linux stable mailing list `_ (stable@vger.kernel.org).h](hfIf it’s a regression within a stable or longterm series (e.g. v5.15.3..v5.15.5), remember to CC the }(hdIf it's a regression within a stable or longterm series (e.g. v5.15.3..v5.15.5), remember to CC the hjthhhNhNubjI)}(h>`Linux stable mailing list `_h]hLinux stable mailing list}(hLinux stable mailing listhj}hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]nameLinux stable mailing listj[https://lore.kernel.org/stable/uh1jHhjtubj^)}(h" h]h}(h]linux-stable-mailing-listah ]h"]linux stable mailing listah$]h&]refurijuh1j]jlKhjtubh (}(h (hjthhhNhNubjI)}(hstable@vger.kernel.orgh]hstable@vger.kernel.org}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]refurimailto:stable@vger.kernel.orguh1jHhjtubh).}(h).hjthhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKdhjubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hj~ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]jrjsuh1j|hhhKQhjyubjx)}(hhh]h)}(hIn case you performed a successful bisection, add everyone to the CC the culprit's commit message mentions in lines starting with "Signed-off-by:".h]hIn case you performed a successful bisection, add everyone to the CC the culprit’s commit message mentions in lines starting with “Signed-off-by:”.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhhjubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1jwhjyubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1jwhjXhhhhhNubh)}(hWhen CCing for forwarding your report to the list, consider directly telling the aforementioned Linux kernel regression tracking bot about your report. To do that, include a paragraph like this in your mail::h]hWhen CCing for forwarding your report to the list, consider directly telling the aforementioned Linux kernel regression tracking bot about your report. To do that, include a paragraph like this in your mail:}(hWhen CCing for forwarding your report to the list, consider directly telling the aforementioned Linux kernel regression tracking bot about your report. To do that, include a paragraph like this in your mail:hjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKkhjXhhubj)}(h%#regzbot introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1h]h%#regzbot introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1}(hhhjubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhKohjXhhubh)}(hXVRegzbot will then consider your mail a report for a regression introduced in the specified version range. In above case Linux v5.13 still worked fine and Linux v5.14-rc1 was the first version where you encountered the issue. If you performed a bisection to find the commit that caused the regression, specify the culprit's commit-id instead::h]hXWRegzbot will then consider your mail a report for a regression introduced in the specified version range. In above case Linux v5.13 still worked fine and Linux v5.14-rc1 was the first version where you encountered the issue. If you performed a bisection to find the commit that caused the regression, specify the culprit’s commit-id instead:}(hXURegzbot will then consider your mail a report for a regression introduced in the specified version range. In above case Linux v5.13 still worked fine and Linux v5.14-rc1 was the first version where you encountered the issue. If you performed a bisection to find the commit that caused the regression, specify the culprit's commit-id instead:hjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKqhjXhhubj)}(h#regzbot introduced: 1f2e3d4c5dh]h#regzbot introduced: 1f2e3d4c5d}(hhhjubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhKwhjXhhubh)}(hXPlacing such a "regzbot command" is in your interest, as it will ensure the report won't fall through the cracks unnoticed. If you omit this, the Linux kernel's regressions tracker will take care of telling regzbot about your regression, as long as you send a copy to the regressions mailing lists. But the regression tracker is just one human which sometimes has to rest or occasionally might even enjoy some time away from computers (as crazy as that might sound). Relying on this person thus will result in an unnecessary delay before the regressions becomes mentioned `on the list of tracked and unresolved Linux kernel regressions `_ and the weekly regression reports sent by regzbot. Such delays can result in Linus Torvalds being unaware of important regressions when deciding between "continue development or call this finished and release the final?".h](hXDPlacing such a “regzbot command” is in your interest, as it will ensure the report won’t fall through the cracks unnoticed. If you omit this, the Linux kernel’s regressions tracker will take care of telling regzbot about your regression, as long as you send a copy to the regressions mailing lists. But the regression tracker is just one human which sometimes has to rest or occasionally might even enjoy some time away from computers (as crazy as that might sound). Relying on this person thus will result in an unnecessary delay before the regressions becomes mentioned }(hX<Placing such a "regzbot command" is in your interest, as it will ensure the report won't fall through the cracks unnoticed. If you omit this, the Linux kernel's regressions tracker will take care of telling regzbot about your regression, as long as you send a copy to the regressions mailing lists. But the regression tracker is just one human which sometimes has to rest or occasionally might even enjoy some time away from computers (as crazy as that might sound). Relying on this person thus will result in an unnecessary delay before the regressions becomes mentioned hjhhhNhNubjI)}(ht`on the list of tracked and unresolved Linux kernel regressions `_h]h>on the list of tracked and unresolved Linux kernel regressions}(h>on the list of tracked and unresolved Linux kernel regressionshj(hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]name>on the list of tracked and unresolved Linux kernel regressionsj[0https://linux-regtracking.leemhuis.info/regzbot/uh1jHhjubj^)}(h3 h]h}(h]>on-the-list-of-tracked-and-unresolved-linux-kernel-regressionsah ]h"]>on the list of tracked and unresolved linux kernel regressionsah$]h&]refurij9uh1j]jlKhjubh and the weekly regression reports sent by regzbot. Such delays can result in Linus Torvalds being unaware of important regressions when deciding between “continue development or call this finished and release the final?”.}(h and the weekly regression reports sent by regzbot. Such delays can result in Linus Torvalds being unaware of important regressions when deciding between "continue development or call this finished and release the final?".hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKyhjXhhubeh}(h]how-do-i-report-a-regressionah ]h"]how do i report a regression?ah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKJubh)}(hhh](h)}(h!Are really all regressions fixed?h]h!Are really all regressions fixed?}(hj_hj]hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjZhhhhhKubh)}(hNearly all of them are, as long as the change causing the regression (the "culprit commit") is reliably identified. Some regressions can be fixed without this, but often it's required.h]hNearly all of them are, as long as the change causing the regression (the “culprit commit”) is reliably identified. Some regressions can be fixed without this, but often it’s required.}(hjmhjkhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhjZhhubeh}(h] are-really-all-regressions-fixedah ]h"]!are really all regressions fixed?ah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubh)}(hhh](h)}(h1Who needs to find the root cause of a regression?h]h1Who needs to find the root cause of a regression?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubh)}(hXDevelopers of the affected code area should try to locate the culprit on their own. But for them that's often impossible to do with reasonable effort, as quite a lot of issues only occur in a particular environment outside the developer's reach -- for example, a specific hardware platform, firmware, Linux distro, system's configuration, or application. That's why in the end it's often up to the reporter to locate the culprit commit; sometimes users might even need to run additional tests afterwards to pinpoint the exact root cause. Developers should offer advice and reasonably help where they can, to make this process relatively easy and achievable for typical users.h]hXDevelopers of the affected code area should try to locate the culprit on their own. But for them that’s often impossible to do with reasonable effort, as quite a lot of issues only occur in a particular environment outside the developer’s reach -- for example, a specific hardware platform, firmware, Linux distro, system’s configuration, or application. That’s why in the end it’s often up to the reporter to locate the culprit commit; sometimes users might even need to run additional tests afterwards to pinpoint the exact root cause. Developers should offer advice and reasonably help where they can, to make this process relatively easy and achievable for typical users.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhjhhubeh}(h]0who-needs-to-find-the-root-cause-of-a-regressionah ]h"]1who needs to find the root cause of a regression?ah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubh)}(hhh](h)}(hHow can I find the culprit?h]hHow can I find the culprit?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubh)}(hXPerform a bisection, as roughly outlined in Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst and described in more detail by Documentation/admin-guide/bug-bisect.rst. It might sound like a lot of work, but in many cases finds the culprit relatively quickly. If it's hard or time-consuming to reliably reproduce the issue, consider teaming up with other affected users to narrow down the search range together.h]hXPerform a bisection, as roughly outlined in Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst and described in more detail by Documentation/admin-guide/bug-bisect.rst. It might sound like a lot of work, but in many cases finds the culprit relatively quickly. If it’s hard or time-consuming to reliably reproduce the issue, consider teaming up with other affected users to narrow down the search range together.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhjhhubeh}(h]how-can-i-find-the-culpritah ]h"]how can i find the culprit?ah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubh)}(hhh](h)}(h6Who can I ask for advice when it comes to regressions?h]h6Who can I ask for advice when it comes to regressions?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubh)}(hSend a mail to the regressions mailing list (regressions@lists.linux.dev) while CCing the Linux kernel's regression tracker (regressions@leemhuis.info); if the issue might better be dealt with in private, feel free to omit the list.h](h-Send a mail to the regressions mailing list (}(h-Send a mail to the regressions mailing list (hjhhhNhNubjI)}(hregressions@lists.linux.devh]hregressions@lists.linux.dev}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]refuri"mailto:regressions@lists.linux.devuh1jHhjubh7) while CCing the Linux kernel’s regression tracker (}(h5) while CCing the Linux kernel's regression tracker (hjhhhNhNubjI)}(hregressions@leemhuis.infoh]hregressions@leemhuis.info}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]refuri mailto:regressions@leemhuis.infouh1jHhjubhR); if the issue might better be dealt with in private, feel free to omit the list.}(hR); if the issue might better be dealt with in private, feel free to omit the list.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhjhhubeh}(h]5who-can-i-ask-for-advice-when-it-comes-to-regressionsah ]h"]6who can i ask for advice when it comes to regressions?ah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubeh}(h]the-important-basicsah ]h"]the important basicsah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhK*ubh)}(hhh](h)}(h$Additional details about regressionsh]h$Additional details about regressions}(hj.hj,hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhKubh)}(hhh](h)}(h.What is the goal of the "no regressions" rule?h]h2What is the goal of the “no regressions” rule?}(hj?hj=hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhj:hhhhhKubh)}(hX+Users should feel safe when updating kernel versions and not have to worry something might break. This is in the interest of the kernel developers to make updating attractive: they don't want users to stay on stable or longterm Linux series that are either abandoned or more than one and a half years old. That's in everybody's interest, as `those series might have known bugs, security issues, or other problematic aspects already fixed in later versions `_. Additionally, the kernel developers want to make it simple and appealing for users to test the latest pre-release or regular release. That's also in everybody's interest, as it's a lot easier to track down and fix problems, if they are reported shortly after being introduced.h](hX[Users should feel safe when updating kernel versions and not have to worry something might break. This is in the interest of the kernel developers to make updating attractive: they don’t want users to stay on stable or longterm Linux series that are either abandoned or more than one and a half years old. That’s in everybody’s interest, as }(hXUUsers should feel safe when updating kernel versions and not have to worry something might break. This is in the interest of the kernel developers to make updating attractive: they don't want users to stay on stable or longterm Linux series that are either abandoned or more than one and a half years old. That's in everybody's interest, as hjKhhhNhNubjI)}(h`those series might have known bugs, security issues, or other problematic aspects already fixed in later versions `_h]hqthose series might have known bugs, security issues, or other problematic aspects already fixed in later versions}(hqthose series might have known bugs, security issues, or other problematic aspects already fixed in later versionshjThhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]nameqthose series might have known bugs, security issues, or other problematic aspects already fixed in later versionsj[Ihttp://www.kroah.com/log/blog/2018/08/24/what-stable-kernel-should-i-use/uh1jHhjKubj^)}(hL h]h}(h]othose-series-might-have-known-bugs-security-issues-or-other-problematic-aspects-already-fixed-in-later-versionsah ]h"]qthose series might have known bugs, security issues, or other problematic aspects already fixed in later versionsah$]h&]refurijeuh1j]jlKhjKubhX. Additionally, the kernel developers want to make it simple and appealing for users to test the latest pre-release or regular release. That’s also in everybody’s interest, as it’s a lot easier to track down and fix problems, if they are reported shortly after being introduced.}(hX. Additionally, the kernel developers want to make it simple and appealing for users to test the latest pre-release or regular release. That's also in everybody's interest, as it's a lot easier to track down and fix problems, if they are reported shortly after being introduced.hjKhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhj:hhubeh}(h]+what-is-the-goal-of-the-no-regressions-ruleah ]h"].what is the goal of the "no regressions" rule?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhKubh)}(hhh](h)}(h8Is the "no regressions" rule really adhered in practice?h]hHow are regressions handled that are caused by security fixes?h]h>How are regressions handled that are caused by security fixes?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubh)}(hXZIn extremely rare situations security issues can't be fixed without causing regressions; those fixes are given way, as they are the lesser evil in the end. Luckily this middling almost always can be avoided, as key developers for the affected area and often Linus Torvalds himself try very hard to fix security issues without causing regressions.h]hX\In extremely rare situations security issues can’t be fixed without causing regressions; those fixes are given way, as they are the lesser evil in the end. Luckily this middling almost always can be avoided, as key developers for the affected area and often Linus Torvalds himself try very hard to fix security issues without causing regressions.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhKhjhhubh)}(hIf you nevertheless face such a case, check the mailing list archives if people tried their best to avoid the regression. If not, report it; if in doubt, ask for advice as outlined above.h]hIf you nevertheless face such a case, check the mailing list archives if people tried their best to avoid the regression. If not, report it; if in doubt, ask for advice as outlined above.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhjhhubeh}(h]=how-are-regressions-handled-that-are-caused-by-security-fixesah ]h"]>how are regressions handled that are caused by security fixes?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhKubh)}(hhh](h)}(hJWhat happens if fixing a regression is impossible without causing another?h]hJWhat happens if fixing a regression is impossible without causing another?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhM ubh)}(hXSadly these things happen, but luckily not very often; if they occur, expert developers of the affected code area should look into the issue to find a fix that avoids regressions or at least their impact. If you run into such a situation, do what was outlined already for regressions caused by security fixes: check earlier discussions if people already tried their best and ask for advice if in doubt.h]hXSadly these things happen, but luckily not very often; if they occur, expert developers of the affected code area should look into the issue to find a fix that avoids regressions or at least their impact. If you run into such a situation, do what was outlined already for regressions caused by security fixes: check earlier discussions if people already tried their best and ask for advice if in doubt.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhM hjhhubh)}(hXA quick note while at it: these situations could be avoided, if people would regularly give mainline pre-releases (say v5.15-rc1 or -rc3) from each development cycle a test run. This is best explained by imagining a change integrated between Linux v5.14 and v5.15-rc1 which causes a regression, but at the same time is a hard requirement for some other improvement applied for 5.15-rc1. All these changes often can simply be reverted and the regression thus solved, if someone finds and reports it before 5.15 is released. A few days or weeks later this solution can become impossible, as some software might have started to rely on aspects introduced by one of the follow-up changes: reverting all changes would then cause a regression for users of said software and thus is out of the question.h]hXA quick note while at it: these situations could be avoided, if people would regularly give mainline pre-releases (say v5.15-rc1 or -rc3) from each development cycle a test run. This is best explained by imagining a change integrated between Linux v5.14 and v5.15-rc1 which causes a regression, but at the same time is a hard requirement for some other improvement applied for 5.15-rc1. All these changes often can simply be reverted and the regression thus solved, if someone finds and reports it before 5.15 is released. A few days or weeks later this solution can become impossible, as some software might have started to rely on aspects introduced by one of the follow-up changes: reverting all changes would then cause a regression for users of said software and thus is out of the question.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhjhhubeh}(h]Iwhat-happens-if-fixing-a-regression-is-impossible-without-causing-anotherah ]h"]Jwhat happens if fixing a regression is impossible without causing another?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhM ubh)}(hhh](h)}(hGIs it a regression, if some feature I relied on was removed months ago?h]hGIs it a regression, if some feature I relied on was removed months ago?}(hj hjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhMubh)}(hXIt is, but often it's hard to fix such regressions due to the aspects outlined in the previous section. It hence needs to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. This is another reason why it's in everybody's interest to regularly test mainline pre-releases.h]hXIt is, but often it’s hard to fix such regressions due to the aspects outlined in the previous section. It hence needs to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. This is another reason why it’s in everybody’s interest to regularly test mainline pre-releases.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhM!hjhhubeh}(h]Eis-it-a-regression-if-some-feature-i-relied-on-was-removed-months-agoah ]h"]Gis it a regression, if some feature i relied on was removed months ago?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhMubh)}(hhh](h)}(hMDoes the "no regression" rule apply if I seem to be the only affected person?h]hQDoes the “no regression” rule apply if I seem to be the only affected person?}(hj0hj.hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhj+hhhhhM'ubh)}(hIt does, but only for practical usage: the Linux developers want to be free to remove support for hardware only to be found in attics and museums anymore.h]hIt does, but only for practical usage: the Linux developers want to be free to remove support for hardware only to be found in attics and museums anymore.}(hj>hj<hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhM)hj+hhubh)}(hXNote, sometimes regressions can't be avoided to make progress -- and the latter is needed to prevent Linux from stagnation. Hence, if only very few users seem to be affected by a regression, it for the greater good might be in their and everyone else's interest to lettings things pass. Especially if there is an easy way to circumvent the regression somehow, for example by updating some software or using a kernel parameter created just for this purpose.h]hXNote, sometimes regressions can’t be avoided to make progress -- and the latter is needed to prevent Linux from stagnation. Hence, if only very few users seem to be affected by a regression, it for the greater good might be in their and everyone else’s interest to lettings things pass. Especially if there is an easy way to circumvent the regression somehow, for example by updating some software or using a kernel parameter created just for this purpose.}(hjLhjJhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhM,hj+hhubeh}(h]Jdoes-the-no-regression-rule-apply-if-i-seem-to-be-the-only-affected-personah ]h"]Mdoes the "no regression" rule apply if i seem to be the only affected person?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhM'ubh)}(hhh](h)}(hDDoes the regression rule apply for code in the staging tree as well?h]hDDoes the regression rule apply for code in the staging tree as well?}(hjehjchhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhj`hhhhhM4ubh)}(hNot according to the `help text for the configuration option covering all staging code `_, which since its early days states::h](hNot according to the }(hNot according to the hjqhhhNhNubjI)}(h`help text for the configuration option covering all staging code `_h]h@help text for the configuration option covering all staging code}(h@help text for the configuration option covering all staging codehjzhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]name@help text for the configuration option covering all staging codej[_https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/drivers/staging/Kconfiguh1jHhjqubj^)}(hb h]h}(h]@help-text-for-the-configuration-option-covering-all-staging-codeah ]h"]@help text for the configuration option covering all staging codeah$]h&]refurijuh1j]jlKhjqubh$, which since its early days states:}(h$, which since its early days states:hjqhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhM6hj`hhubj)}(hPlease note that these drivers are under heavy development, may or may not work, and may contain userspace interfaces that most likely will be changed in the near future.h]hPlease note that these drivers are under heavy development, may or may not work, and may contain userspace interfaces that most likely will be changed in the near future.}(hhhjubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhM:hj`hhubh)}(hX/The staging developers nevertheless often adhere to the "no regressions" rule, but sometimes bend it to make progress. That's for example why some users had to deal with (often negligible) regressions when a WiFi driver from the staging tree was replaced by a totally different one written from scratch.h]hX5The staging developers nevertheless often adhere to the “no regressions” rule, but sometimes bend it to make progress. That’s for example why some users had to deal with (often negligible) regressions when a WiFi driver from the staging tree was replaced by a totally different one written from scratch.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhM>hj`hhubeh}(h]Cdoes-the-regression-rule-apply-for-code-in-the-staging-tree-as-wellah ]h"]Ddoes the regression rule apply for code in the staging tree as well?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhM4ubh)}(hhh](h)}(hIWhy do later versions have to be "compiled with a similar configuration"?h]hMWhy do later versions have to be “compiled with a similar configuration”?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhMDubh)}(hXBecause the Linux kernel developers sometimes integrate changes known to cause regressions, but make them optional and disable them in the kernel's default configuration. This trick allows progress, as the "no regressions" rule otherwise would lead to stagnation.h]hX Because the Linux kernel developers sometimes integrate changes known to cause regressions, but make them optional and disable them in the kernel’s default configuration. This trick allows progress, as the “no regressions” rule otherwise would lead to stagnation.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMFhjhhubh)}(hXoConsider for example a new security feature blocking access to some kernel interfaces often abused by malware, which at the same time are required to run a few rarely used applications. The outlined approach makes both camps happy: people using these applications can leave the new security feature off, while everyone else can enable it without running into trouble.h]hXoConsider for example a new security feature blocking access to some kernel interfaces often abused by malware, which at the same time are required to run a few rarely used applications. The outlined approach makes both camps happy: people using these applications can leave the new security feature off, while everyone else can enable it without running into trouble.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMKhjhhubeh}(h]Fwhy-do-later-versions-have-to-be-compiled-with-a-similar-configurationah ]h"]Iwhy do later versions have to be "compiled with a similar configuration"?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhMDubh)}(hhh](h)}(hDHow to create a configuration similar to the one of an older kernel?h]hDHow to create a configuration similar to the one of an older kernel?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhMRubh)}(hXStart your machine with a known-good kernel and configure the newer Linux version with ``make olddefconfig``. This makes the kernel's build scripts pick up the configuration file (the ".config" file) from the running kernel as base for the new one you are about to compile; afterwards they set all new configuration options to their default value, which should disable new features that might cause regressions.h](hWStart your machine with a known-good kernel and configure the newer Linux version with }(hWStart your machine with a known-good kernel and configure the newer Linux version with hjhhhNhNubj)}(h``make olddefconfig``h]hmake olddefconfig}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1jhjubhX5. This makes the kernel’s build scripts pick up the configuration file (the “.config” file) from the running kernel as base for the new one you are about to compile; afterwards they set all new configuration options to their default value, which should disable new features that might cause regressions.}(hX/. This makes the kernel's build scripts pick up the configuration file (the ".config" file) from the running kernel as base for the new one you are about to compile; afterwards they set all new configuration options to their default value, which should disable new features that might cause regressions.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMThjhhubeh}(h]Chow-to-create-a-configuration-similar-to-the-one-of-an-older-kernelah ]h"]Dhow to create a configuration similar to the one of an older kernel?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhMRubh)}(hhh](h)}(hDCan I report a regression I found with pre-compiled vanilla kernels?h]hDCan I report a regression I found with pre-compiled vanilla kernels?}(hj=hj;hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhj8hhhhhM\ubh)}(hX$You need to ensure the newer kernel was compiled with a similar configuration file as the older one (see above), as those that built them might have enabled some known-to-be incompatible feature for the newer kernel. If in doubt, report the matter to the kernel's provider and ask for advice.h]hX&You need to ensure the newer kernel was compiled with a similar configuration file as the older one (see above), as those that built them might have enabled some known-to-be incompatible feature for the newer kernel. If in doubt, report the matter to the kernel’s provider and ask for advice.}(hjKhjIhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhM^hj8hhubeh}(h]Ccan-i-report-a-regression-i-found-with-pre-compiled-vanilla-kernelsah ]h"]Dcan i report a regression i found with pre-compiled vanilla kernels?ah$]h&]uh1hhj)hhhhhM\ubeh}(h]$additional-details-about-regressionsah ]h"]$additional details about regressionsah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhKubh)}(hhh](h)}(h-More about regression tracking with "regzbot"h]h1More about regression tracking with “regzbot”}(hjlhjjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjghhhhhMeubh)}(hhh](h)}(h;What is regression tracking and why should I care about it?h]h;What is regression tracking and why should I care about it?}(hj}hj{hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjxhhhhhMhubh)}(hXRules like "no regressions" need someone to ensure they are followed, otherwise they are broken either accidentally or on purpose. History has shown this to be true for Linux kernel development as well. That's why Thorsten Leemhuis, the Linux Kernel's regression tracker, and some people try to ensure all regression are fixed by keeping an eye on them until they are resolved. Neither of them are paid for this, that's why the work is done on a best effort basis.h]hXRules like “no regressions” need someone to ensure they are followed, otherwise they are broken either accidentally or on purpose. History has shown this to be true for Linux kernel development as well. That’s why Thorsten Leemhuis, the Linux Kernel’s regression tracker, and some people try to ensure all regression are fixed by keeping an eye on them until they are resolved. Neither of them are paid for this, that’s why the work is done on a best effort basis.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMjhjxhhubeh}(h]:what-is-regression-tracking-and-why-should-i-care-about-itah ]h"];what is regression tracking and why should i care about it?ah$]h&]uh1hhjghhhhhMhubh)}(hhh](h)}(h=Why and how are Linux kernel regressions tracked using a bot?h]h=Why and how are Linux kernel regressions tracked using a bot?}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhMrubh)}(hX\Tracking regressions completely manually has proven to be quite hard due to the distributed and loosely structured nature of Linux kernel development process. That's why the Linux kernel's regression tracker developed regzbot to facilitate the work, with the long term goal to automate regression tracking as much as possible for everyone involved.h]hX`Tracking regressions completely manually has proven to be quite hard due to the distributed and loosely structured nature of Linux kernel development process. That’s why the Linux kernel’s regression tracker developed regzbot to facilitate the work, with the long term goal to automate regression tracking as much as possible for everyone involved.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMthjhhubh)}(hX?Regzbot works by watching for replies to reports of tracked regressions. Additionally, it's looking out for posted or committed patches referencing such reports with "Link:" tags; replies to such patch postings are tracked as well. Combined this data provides good insights into the current state of the fixing process.h]hXERegzbot works by watching for replies to reports of tracked regressions. Additionally, it’s looking out for posted or committed patches referencing such reports with “Link:” tags; replies to such patch postings are tracked as well. Combined this data provides good insights into the current state of the fixing process.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMzhjhhubeh}(h]`_.h](h Check out }(h Check out hjhhhNhNubjI)}(hM`regzbot's web-interface `_h]hregzbot’s web-interface}(hregzbot's web-interfacehjhhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]nameregzbot's web-interfacej[0https://linux-regtracking.leemhuis.info/regzbot/uh1jHhjubj^)}(h3 h]h}(h]id1ah ]h"]h$]regzbot's web-interfaceah&]refurijuh1j]jlKhjubh.}(hjhjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhjhhubeh}(h]5how-to-see-which-regressions-regzbot-tracks-currentlya7h ]h"]6how to see which regressions regzbot tracks currently?ah$]h&]uh1hhjghhhhhMubh)}(hhh](h)}(h:What kind of issues are supposed to be tracked by regzbot?h]h:What kind of issues are supposed to be tracked by regzbot?}(hj$ hj" hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhj hhhhhMubh)}(hX%The bot is meant to track regressions, hence please don't involve regzbot for regular issues. But it's okay for the Linux kernel's regression tracker if you involve regzbot to track severe issues, like reports about hangs, corrupted data, or internal errors (Panic, Oops, BUG(), warning, ...).h]hX+The bot is meant to track regressions, hence please don’t involve regzbot for regular issues. But it’s okay for the Linux kernel’s regression tracker if you involve regzbot to track severe issues, like reports about hangs, corrupted data, or internal errors (Panic, Oops, BUG(), warning, ...).}(hj2 hj0 hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhj hhubeh}(h]9what-kind-of-issues-are-supposed-to-be-tracked-by-regzbotah ]h"]:what kind of issues are supposed to be tracked by regzbot?ah$]h&]uh1hhjghhhhhMubh)}(hhh](h)}(h.How to change aspects of a tracked regression?h]h.How to change aspects of a tracked regression?}(hjK hjI hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjF hhhhhMubh)}(hXBy using a 'regzbot command' in a direct or indirect reply to the mail with the report. The easiest way to do that: find the report in your "Sent" folder or the mailing list archive and reply to it using your mailer's "Reply-all" function. In that mail, use one of the following commands in a stand-alone paragraph (IOW: use blank lines to separate one or multiple of these commands from the rest of the mail's text).h]hXBy using a ‘regzbot command’ in a direct or indirect reply to the mail with the report. The easiest way to do that: find the report in your “Sent” folder or the mailing list archive and reply to it using your mailer’s “Reply-all” function. In that mail, use one of the following commands in a stand-alone paragraph (IOW: use blank lines to separate one or multiple of these commands from the rest of the mail’s text).}(hjY hjW hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhjF hhubjx)}(hhh]j})}(hhh](j")}(h~Update when the regression started to happen, for example after performing a bisection:: #regzbot introduced: 1f2e3d4c5d h](h)}(hXUpdate when the regression started to happen, for example after performing a bisection::h]hWUpdate when the regression started to happen, for example after performing a bisection:}(hWUpdate when the regression started to happen, for example after performing a bisection:hjo hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhjk ubj)}(h#regzbot introduced: 1f2e3d4c5dh]h#regzbot introduced: 1f2e3d4c5d}(hhhj~ ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhMhjk ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hjh ubj")}(h3Set or update the title:: #regzbot title: foo h](h)}(hSet or update the title::h]hSet or update the title:}(hSet or update the title:hj hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhj ubj)}(h#regzbot title: fooh]h#regzbot title: foo}(hhhj ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhMhj ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hjh ubj")}(hXMonitor a discussion or bugzilla.kernel.org ticket where additions aspects of the issue or a fix are discussed::: #regzbot monitor: https://lore.kernel.org/r/30th.anniversary.repost@klaava.Helsinki.FI/ #regzbot monitor: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123456789 h](h)}(hqMonitor a discussion or bugzilla.kernel.org ticket where additions aspects of the issue or a fix are discussed:::h]hpMonitor a discussion or bugzilla.kernel.org ticket where additions aspects of the issue or a fix are discussed::}(hpMonitor a discussion or bugzilla.kernel.org ticket where additions aspects of the issue or a fix are discussed::hj hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhj ubj)}(h#regzbot monitor: https://lore.kernel.org/r/30th.anniversary.repost@klaava.Helsinki.FI/ #regzbot monitor: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123456789h]h#regzbot monitor: https://lore.kernel.org/r/30th.anniversary.repost@klaava.Helsinki.FI/ #regzbot monitor: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123456789}(hhhj ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhMhj ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hjh ubj")}(hPoint to a place with further details of interest, like a mailing list post or a ticket in a bug tracker that are slightly related, but about a different topic:: #regzbot link: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123456789 h](h)}(hPoint to a place with further details of interest, like a mailing list post or a ticket in a bug tracker that are slightly related, but about a different topic::h]hPoint to a place with further details of interest, like a mailing list post or a ticket in a bug tracker that are slightly related, but about a different topic:}(hPoint to a place with further details of interest, like a mailing list post or a ticket in a bug tracker that are slightly related, but about a different topic:hj hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhj ubj)}(hD#regzbot link: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123456789h]hD#regzbot link: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123456789}(hhhj ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhMhj ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hjh ubj")}(hfMark a regression as invalid:: #regzbot invalid: wasn't a regression, problem has always existed h](h)}(hMark a regression as invalid::h]hMark a regression as invalid:}(hMark a regression as invalid:hj hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhj ubj)}(hA#regzbot invalid: wasn't a regression, problem has always existedh]hA#regzbot invalid: wasn't a regression, problem has always existed}(hhhj ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1jhhhMhj ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1j!hjh ubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]jrjsuh1j|hhhMhje ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1jwhjF hhhNhNubh)}(hXRegzbot supports a few other commands primarily used by developers or people tracking regressions. They and more details about the aforementioned regzbot commands can be found in the `getting started guide `_ and the `reference documentation `_ for regzbot.h](hRegzbot supports a few other commands primarily used by developers or people tracking regressions. They and more details about the aforementioned regzbot commands can be found in the }(hRegzbot supports a few other commands primarily used by developers or people tracking regressions. They and more details about the aforementioned regzbot commands can be found in the hj: hhhNhNubjI)}(ha`getting started guide `_h]hgetting started guide}(hgetting started guidehjC hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]namegetting started guidej[Fhttps://gitlab.com/knurd42/regzbot/-/blob/main/docs/getting_started.mduh1jHhj: ubj^)}(hI h]h}(h]getting-started-guideah ]h"]getting started guideah$]h&]refurijT uh1j]jlKhj: ubh and the }(h and the hj: hhhNhNubjI)}(h]`reference documentation `_h]hreference documentation}(hreference documentationhjg hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]namereference documentationj[@https://gitlab.com/knurd42/regzbot/-/blob/main/docs/reference.mduh1jHhj: ubj^)}(hC h]h}(h]reference-documentationah ]h"]reference documentationah$]h&]refurijx uh1j]jlKhj: ubh for regzbot.}(h for regzbot.hj: hhhNhNubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhhhMhjF hhubh)}(hend-of-contenth]hend-of-content}(hhhj ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1hhjF hhhhhMubh)}(hXeThis text is available under GPL-2.0+ or CC-BY-4.0, as stated at the top of the file. If you want to distribute this text under CC-BY-4.0 only, please use "The Linux kernel developers" for author attribution and link this as source: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/plain/Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-regressions.rsth]hXeThis text is available under GPL-2.0+ or CC-BY-4.0, as stated at the top of the file. If you want to distribute this text under CC-BY-4.0 only, please use "The Linux kernel developers" for author attribution and link this as source: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/plain/Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-regressions.rst}(hhhj ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1hhjF hhhhhMubh)}(hXNote: Only the content of this RST file as found in the Linux kernel sources is available under CC-BY-4.0, as versions of this text that were processed (for example by the kernel's build system) might contain content taken from files which use a more restrictive license.h]hXNote: Only the content of this RST file as found in the Linux kernel sources is available under CC-BY-4.0, as versions of this text that were processed (for example by the kernel's build system) might contain content taken from files which use a more restrictive license.}(hhhj ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]hhuh1hhjF hhhhhMubeh}(h]-how-to-change-aspects-of-a-tracked-regressionah ]h"].how to change aspects of a tracked regression?ah$]h&]uh1hhjghhhhhMubeh}(h]+more-about-regression-tracking-with-regzbotah ]h"]-more about regression tracking with "regzbot"ah$]h&]uh1hhjhhhhhMeubeh}(h]>all-the-details-on-linux-kernel-regressions-relevant-for-usersah ]h"]>all the details on linux kernel regressions relevant for usersah$]h&]uh1hhhhhhhhK&ubeh}(h]reporting-regressionsah ]h"]reporting regressionsah$]h&]uh1hhhhhhhhKubeh}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]sourcehuh1hcurrent_sourceN current_lineNsettingsdocutils.frontendValues)}(hN generatorN datestampN source_linkN source_urlN toc_backlinksentryfootnote_backlinksK sectnum_xformKstrip_commentsNstrip_elements_with_classesN strip_classesN report_levelK halt_levelKexit_status_levelKdebugNwarning_streamN tracebackinput_encoding utf-8-siginput_encoding_error_handlerstrictoutput_encodingutf-8output_encoding_error_handlerj error_encodingUTF-8error_encoding_error_handlerbackslashreplace language_codeenrecord_dependenciesNconfigN id_prefixhauto_id_prefixid dump_settingsNdump_internalsNdump_transformsNdump_pseudo_xmlNexpose_internalsNstrict_visitorN_disable_configN_sourceh _destinationN _config_files]7/var/lib/git/docbuild/linux/Documentation/docutils.confapep_referencesN pep_base_urlhttps://peps.python.org/pep_file_url_templatepep-%04drfc_referencesN rfc_base_url&https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/ tab_widthKtrim_footnote_reference_spacefile_insertion_enabled raw_enabledKline_length_limitM'syntax_highlightlong smart_quotessmartquotes_locales]character_level_inline_markupdoctitle_xform docinfo_xformKsectsubtitle_xform image_loadinglinkembed_stylesheetcloak_email_addressessection_self_link embed_imagesenvNubreporterNindirect_targets]substitution_defs}substitution_names}refnames}refids}nameids}(j j jjjhjej j j&j#jUjRjWjTjjjjjjjCj@j~j{jjjjjjjdjajjjojljjjjj"jjIjFjpjmjjjjjjj(j%j]jZjjjjjjj5j2j\jYj j jjjjj j jC j@ j j j^ j[ j j u nametypes}(j NjNjhj Nj&NjUNjWNjjjjCj~NjNjNjNjdNjNjojNjNj"NjINjpNjNjNjNj(Nj]NjNjjNj5Nj\Nj NjNjNj NjC Nj Nj^ j uh}(j hjj jej_j jj#jjRjjTjXjjjjjjj@j:j{jZjjjjjjjaj)jj:jljfjjjjjjjFj%jmjLjjsjjjjj%jjZj+jj`jjjjj2jjYj8j jgjjxjjj jj j j@ j j jF j[ jU j jy u footnote_refs} citation_refs} autofootnotes]autofootnote_refs]symbol_footnotes]symbol_footnote_refs] footnotes] citations]autofootnote_startKsymbol_footnote_startK id_counter collectionsCounter}j KsRparse_messages]hsystem_message)}(hhh]h)}(h:Duplicate explicit target name: "regzbot's web-interface".h]h@Duplicate explicit target name: “regzbot’s web-interface”.}(hhhjf hhhNhNubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]uh1hhjc ubah}(h]h ]h"]h$]h&]j alevelKtypeINFOsourcehlineKuh1ja hjhhhhhMubatransform_messages] transformerN include_log] decorationNhhub.