# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause) # Copyright 2022 Analog Devices Inc. %YAML 1.2 --- $id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/regulator/adi,max77857.yaml# $schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml# title: Analog Devices MAX77857 Buck-Boost Converter maintainers: - Ibrahim Tilki - Okan Sahin description: Analog Devices MAX77857 Buck-Boost Converter properties: compatible: enum: - adi,max77831 - adi,max77857 - adi,max77859 - adi,max77859a reg: description: I2C address of the device items: - enum: [0x66, 0x67, 0x6E, 0x6F] interrupts: maxItems: 1 adi,switch-frequency-hz: description: Switching frequency of the Buck-Boost converter in Hz. items: - enum: [1200000, 1500000, 1800000, 2100000] adi,rtop-ohms: description: Top feedback resistor value in ohms for external feedback. minimum: 150000 maximum: 330000 adi,rbot-ohms: description: Bottom feedback resistor value in ohms for external feedback. dependencies: adi,rtop-ohms: [ 'adi,rbot-ohms' ] adi,rbot-ohms: [ 'adi,rtop-ohms' ] required: - compatible - reg allOf: - $ref: regulator.yaml# - if: properties: compatible: contains: enum: - adi,max77831 then: properties: adi,switch-frequency-hz: items: enum: [1200000, 1500000, 1800000] unevaluatedProperties: false examples: - | #include i2c { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; regulator@66 { reg = <0x66>; compatible = "adi,max77857"; interrupt-parent = <&gpio>; interrupts = <26 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; adi,rtop-ohms = <312000>; adi,rbot-ohms = <12000>; }; };