B4 tools ======== This is a helper utility to work with patches made available via a public-inbox archive like lore.kernel.org. It is written to make it easier to participate in a patch-based workflows, like those used in the Linux kernel development. The name "b4" was chosen for ease of typing and because B-4 was the precursor to Lore and Data in the Star Trek universe. See https://b4.docs.kernel.org/ for online documentation. Installing ---------- To install from pypi:: python3 -m pip install --user b4 Upgrading --------- If you previously installed from pypi:: python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade b4 Running from the checkout dir ----------------------------- If you want to run from the checkout dir without installing the python package, you can use the included ``b4.sh`` wrapper. You can set it as an alias in your .bash_profile:: alias b4="$HOME/path/to/b4/b4.sh" Setting up a symlink should also be possible. Remember to run the following command after the initial clone in order to pull in the dependencies that are tracked via submodules:: git submodule update --init Support ------- For support or with any other questions, please email tools@linux.kernel.org, or browse the list archive at https://lore.kernel.org/tools.