[core] # You will need to create an API key in your Equinix Metal project and # put it into the auth_token field along with project_id UUID. auth_token = [your-equinix-metal-api-tokey] project_id = [your-equinix-metal-project-id] # Where should we log things? logfile = /path/to/stable-builder.log # We don't use the below two values in the script itself, but it # is used to populate values in the user_ sections. pubkey_dir = /path/to/keydir cloud_init_dir = /path/to/cloudinit_dir [msmtp] # We currently hardcode the use of msmtp. However, we don't want to # stick the username/password of the SMTP authorized user into the # cloud_init script itself, so stick them into here. user = [authorized-smtp-user] password = [authorized-smtp-password] # Whatever is passed via -u, we look for their section using user_%username # The entries should be self-evident [user_sample] plan = m3.large.x86 facility = am6 os = debian_10 pubkey = ${core:pubkey_dir}/sample.pub cloud_init = ${core:cloud_init_dir}/sample.yaml