tag nametag-chrome-platform-for-v6.6 (9bf9154d89c11b48c5535a33225cbb61e33c1e88)
tag date2023-08-28 10:53:14 +0800
tagged byTzung-Bi Shih <>
tagged objectcommit 0820debb7d...
chrome platform changes for 6.6
* Improvements - Remove shutdown timeout on EC panic for offering the filesystem a chance to sync. - Support official HID "GOOG0016" for ChromeOS ACPI. * Fixes - Print hex string instead of using "%s" for ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER. * Misc - Update MAINTAINERS. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iIkEABYIADEWIQS0yQeDP3cjLyifNRUrxTEGBto89AUCZOwPUBMcdHp1bmdiaUBr ZXJuZWwub3JnAAoJECvFMQYG2jz0nSkBAKotxdetlYni+PbaoBjMQgRRLhM9GE7i JS9UQGmzdR46AP0SGUPrqWJcjtsIYxeemVTMqOkIjihp06xLR3r1USeEBw== =P8Uo -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----